NiA Returns with Two New Performances: Fan-Favorite Show HOLLA! and Thought-Provoking Play Eavesdropping

“This is my way, and our way, of saying we love you, too”

Darion McCloud with Friends

Darion McCloud with Friends

Local theatre company NiA was one of the many organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, in these semi-post-pandemic times, NiA is performing their first large-scale in-person event in months. Over the next two Saturdays, NiA will be showcasing a long-loved project and a newer venture, as well.

Darion McCloud, who has led NiA for 23 years, discusses how difficult it was to not be able to perform during the times when people needed it the most, especially when their mission is rooted in storytelling and literacy.

“That's what we're about. We're about telling stories that don't usually get told, for people that you don't usually get a chance to hear them,” McCloud shares, “COVID effectively shut us down. We had a few small ventures out there: one or two with One Columbia, a Kids in Print for Richland Library, and one called Cocky's Reading Express from the University of South Carolina.” 

Now, the group is coming back with two events, four performances, repeating on two consecutive weekends. HOLLA! a NiA “family staple,” will kick off both Saturdays at 10am, and Eavesdropping, a play by Crystal Aldamuy, will end both Saturdays at 9pm. HOLLA! is a family show for all ages, and Eavesdropping is aimed at adult audiences. 

McCloud says the shows the group are doing are a direct response to the outpouring of love that not only NiA received over the pandemic, but that he himself benefitted from after a serious stroke. This performance is not just a comeback but a way to say thank you.

 “This is my way, and our way, of saying we love you, too. That's why it was important for these shows to be free,” McCloud reveals, “We want these shows to be free to our people, the city, free to anyone who wants to come and who wants to enjoy.” 

HOLLA! was the first event NiA ever did, starting back in 1998 for Somali Bantu, and is a multimedia event that changes in shape, style, and participants each time. For this performance, NiA is featuring the Upstart Crows, a local Shakespeare Company of young actors. The same show will take place both Saturdays, but there will be slight differences due to the spontaneous nature of the event. 

“HOLLA! is exactly what it says—it's big, it's loud, it's color. There's music, there's a lot of laughing, spontaneous dancing, storytelling, finger plays, and more,” McCloud effuses, “And it's for everybody; if you're an old dude like me and you come through, you think you're just coming with the kids, but you're going to find yourself caught up in the fun, too.” 

In contrast, Eavesdropping is a short play in 5 vignettes that addresses themes surrounding love, loss, and living. Aldamuy, who has worked with NiA before, was driven to write this play by her desire to experiment with fully colorblind casting, where any race or gender could fill a role. Aldamuy started writing small sketches, and then combined 5 into this play. 

“This piece is designed for playing with and exploring motivation and subtext, as well as gender, race, sexuality, and age in relationships,” Aldamuy intimates, “And how the audience, as voyeurs, makes assumptions about the deeper meaning behind someone else’s words based on what they look like and who they are talking to.” 

The five vignettes are as follows: First Impressions—two people on their first date; The Long Road Home—a person meets with their ex-spouse’s lover; Final Thoughts—estranged siblings wait for their mother’s ashes; Circling—old loves bump into each other after nearly a decade apart; Collison Course—two people meet on the anniversary of their mutual friend’s death.

The first act will be true to script and fairly identical both weekends; however, after a short intermission, the second act will see audience interaction, with people watching called up to audition and perform previous scenes of the play. 

“After the act break, we're going to ask the audience to come up, and we're going to run it like an audition. We hand them a script right there, but me and the audience are the casting director, so I get to say, ‘Okay, that was really good, Kevin. Could you do the scene again in an English accent?’” McCloud details, “So we get to have fun like that, but also people get to think about how an individual actor impacts a scene. It's a little bit of education, but it's a lot of fun.” 

NiA knew it was time to come back and start telling stories again—audiences needed to engage, with art on the stage and with one another. They chose these shows both for the level of audience interaction and because they are easily manageable under the safety precautions NiA is following for COVID-19.  

The performances will happen on Saturday, June 19, and Saturday, June 26, at their CO-OP at 1013 Duke Street with HOLLA! at 10am and Eavesdropping at 9pm both weekends. There will be outdoor seating, Porta Johns, and safety precautions in place for the safety of patrons. The event is free and first-come, first-served—approximately 100 people can be accommodated.  

“We hope there will be a lot of fun afterwards as well for people who want to hang out and talk about the show,” McCloud offers, “We're just hoping you come, bring yourself, your imagination, your fun, and hopefully a friend too.” 

McCloud would like to thank several people helping as performers and behind the scenes: Heather McCue, Joseph Eisenriech, Lonetta Thompson, Katie Mixon, Deon Turner, Beth Dehart, and JB Frush-Marple with special thanks to One Columbia for sponsoring.


If you’d like to support NiA, you can give to their GoFundMe, which was initiated, after not making money for a year, to fund their return to performances and has stayed open for additional support:


—Christina Xan

Jason Stokes Talks About Tail! Spin! Opening Friday Night at Trustus Theatre

It's easy for a performing arts organization, be it theatre, dance, or music-based, to stick with the safe bet. Fill the seats by offering shows your audience has become accustomed to. Go to the same old pool, season after season, and keep it all familiar so your organization can pay the rent. And as long as your audience never leaves the city limits they may not realize that one of the responsibilities of an arts organization is to nurture the cultural literacy of its audience by offering new works. Works that challenge or discomfit. Works that take chances. Works that go out on a limb and take the audience with them as they shakily find their balance, but ultimately enjoy the view. While too many organizations in Columbia adhere to this boring, stagnating, audience-offending policy -- and we'll be writing more about this soon -- at least, and thank whoever the god of the performing arts is for this, we have Trustus Theatre.
Yes, Trustus has some familiar fun coming up this season (Walter Graham plays the alien transvestite Frank N. Furter in the delicious Rocky Horror Picture Show, for example). But at the same time, Trustus never fails to continue to take chances. Be it via the Trustus Playwright's Festival which last month gave us Anatomy of a Hug, one of the oddest little, top-notch shows we've seen in a while -- fresh, brand new, exciting; or via shows like the one opening Friday night on the Cohn Side Door Stage -- Tail! Spin! 
Directed by Jason Stokes,  Tail! Spin! stars Stann Gwynn, Kevin Bush, Clint Poston, Joseph Eisenreich, and Ellen Rodillo-Fowler. We asked Stokes to tell us a bit about where the story came from and how he plans to bring it to the stage. Find his comments below and plan to come out to check out this fascinating and funny piece of political theatre. It's new and different, and it should be perfect for the political season.  - CB

Directing Tail! Spin! by Jason Stokes 

Tail! Spin! chronicles the real life political scandals of Larry Craig, Anthony Weiner, Mark Foley and Mark Sanford using their own texts, emails, Facebook messages, IM’s, and interviews. Using their own public and private words to tell the story in my opinion changes this show from being just a strict “by the numbers” bio-play, into a dramedy version of reality. The show hinges on each person’s scandal, but at its core, the show really details the toll their  actions take on them, their families, and political careers while bringing them face to face with who they really are thanks in no small part the modern-day twenty-four hour media coverage.  Some of the men are unable, or unwilling, to accept this new self-revelation.
From the beginning, the most difficult task of directing this piece was finding the right balance between the acts of these men and their humorous attempts to spin the details to a more favorable outcome. It’s my opinion that in order to get to the US Senate, House or Governor’s mansion you must possess a certain amount of intelligence … even if the intelligence comes from a team; the individual must be smart enough to adhere to the sound advice of others.  But the politicians focused on in this play react like children with their hands caught in the proverbial cookie jar after their sexual indiscretions are discovered. And their mindset becomes “If I don’t admit anything, then nobody will know.”  As is so often the case with political scandal, the denial becomes worse than the act.
We find ourselves in a polarizing political and social climate at present. Compromise is a dirty word, if you’re a republican then the democrats have no validity in their thoughts or policies; and if you’re a democrat, the republicans have lost their minds and their party is a mess with no real hope of salvation and thus should be completely cast aside (Yes, I’m generalizing, but find any two members of either party and ask them to agree on something, anything).  Which is why this show comes to Columbia at the absolute right time. While the subject matter can be shocking and their attempt to keep it quiet should be laughed at, hopefully, the audience will see these men as flawed human beings who made really, really bad decisions that when pieced together the way the playwright has, prove quite hilarious. And maybe for a few moments, we can all be Americans enjoying a night of entertainment together, as one people, the way we should be. To quote Dennis Miller however... "Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong."
Jason Stokes first appeared at Trustus as Adam in 2002’s The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told.  Other Trustus roles include Roger in Rent, Rocky in The Rocky Horror Show, Luke in Next Fall. Other shows in the Columbia area include The Full Monty, Sleuth, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. In January of this year he held a reading of his new screenplay Composure, detailing the murder of N.G. Gonzales by SC Lieutenant Gov. James Tillman, in the Trustus Side Door.  He has also written, produced and directed four films, the most recent film  blocked was featured in the 2nd Act Film Festival, presented by The Jasper Project.