The NiA Company will celebrate its 25th anniversary in conjunction with Family Fun Night at the Columbia Museum of Art on Friday, May 26, beginning at 5:00. There will be DJ sets from DJ B Folks, arts activities, design challenges, scavenger hunts, and food and drink available for purchase. At 6:00, NiA will reprise Lonetta Thompson’s family-friendly play “Jump at the Sun,” which it first performed ten years ago. The play explores the historical events of the Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance along with key artistic figures like legends Zora Neale Hurston and Jacob Lawrence.
Lonetta’s play “Therapy” is next in line for the Jasper Project’s Play Right Series. Through July, she, her cast and an audience of Community Producers will meet to discuss the creation, development and marketing of a play, culminating in a public staged reading at the CMFA on August 6
Jasper sat down with Lonetta and NiA founding artistic director Darion McCloud for a quick Q and A:
Lonetta Thompson
JASPER:How did you get involved with JUMP AT THE SUN? I realize you’re the author, of course, but what led you and NIA together for this project?
THOMPSON: If memory serves, NiA had the opportunity to perform during the time Jacob Lawrence's The Migration Series was on exhibit at the museum and Darion graciously allowed me write something (since I was running around calling myself a writer all the time).
JASPER: Is this play connected to Alicia Williams children’s book? Or does it come straight from Zora?
THOMPSON: I wrote this over ten years ago, and I Alicia Williams' book was published in 2021. I was researching the artists from the Harlem Renaissance and came across a quote from Zora Neale Hurston where her mom used to always tell her to "jump at de sun" and thought that was the perfect title. (The full quotation is: “Jump at the sun. You might not land on the sun, but at least you’ll get off the ground.”)
JASPER: What do you hope is the principal message an audience member might come away from the play with? What do you want them to know or do or feel?
THOMPSON: First and foremost, I just want people to know these wonderful artists (a lot of whom came from the south) and how they came together and created magic. They were so gifted and talented and passionate and that community they created is still at the top of my list of times and places I would go if I had a time machine. Beyond just exposing our audience to these artists, I want people to be inspired by all forms of art and the impact it has on our lives whether we realize it or not.
JASPER: Your career as a playwright is suddenly getting a lot of sunlight, what with THERAPY going into development this summer by the Jasper Project. How does this chapter of your life feel to you as a creative person? And are there more developments afoot we should know about?
THOMPSON: I am definitely in awe of my reality right now! I've always fancied myself a writer but was hesitant to put myself out there. I was lucky to find a satisfying creative outlet by being on stage. I do have a few things I'm working on and just plan to continue to develop my voice (and confidence!).
JASPER: What occasioned NIA’s performing this play ten years ago? And why is now the right time to remount it?
MCCLOUD: I think it was more than ten years even but we’ll go with that. At that time I had a day gig as the Outreach Manager with CMA. And the Jacob Lawrence (one of my artistic heroes) Migration Series was on exhibit. So I approached Lonetta with the idea of creating a piece about The Harlem Renaissance with Lawrence’s Migration Series at the center
JASPER: Is NiA involved in/at the heart of the other activities going on at the CMA on the 26th? Or is this a consortium of many other good organizations?
MCCLOUD: NiA is one of the museum’s offerings on that day including creation stations and of course access to the permanent collection.
JASPER: Now that COVID is lifting maybe, what can we look forward to next from NiA? What changes will see from the pre-COVID NiA? Perhaps a better way to put that: it’s been 25 years for NiA: how have you grown? What have you learned? Where are you going?
MCCLOUD: After twenty-five years we grown exponentially. We first came together to give black actors opportunities. Now that mission has expanded with opportunities as the engine. That means opportunities for all kinds of actors, for audiences that don’t always get the type of work we present or can’t afford it. This idea of providing opportunities for those with little still drives us.
JASPER: You, personally, could rest on your many many laurels. Why don’t you? What motivates you? This question never expires. Your answer may change as time goes by, and if it doesn’t it needs repeating.
MCCLOUD: First, thanks for the kind words. But there is so much need. I still believe “art makes everything better” and the world is always in need of better experiences. We hope to contribute to making better fathers, better mothers, better leaders, better followers.. Yeah, all through the shared experiences of theatre…of Art.