Guess Who the Jasper 2013 Artists of the Year Are, and WIN!

Jasper leaf logo We're counting down the days and hours until we announce this year's winners for Jasper's Artist of the Year in Dance, Literary Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts on Thursday, November 21st at 6 pm!

To make time pass more quickly we thought the members of the extended Jasper Family might be interested in getting in on the competition.

Here's how:

Visit us on Facebook and find the message GUESS THE WINNERS posted on our Facebook page at In the comments section under that post, do just that -- guess the winners in each of the five categories by 4 pm on Thursday, November 21st.

If you are correct -- in ALL FIVE categories -- visit us on Thursday evening at our release celebration at Coal Powered Filmworks at 1217 Lincoln Street and you'll win one of our cool new purple Jasper Backpacks. It's that easy.

To refresh your memory, here are the finalists in each category:

Dance:  Erin Bolshakov     Wayland Anderson     Terrance Henderson

Music:  Phillip Bush     The Restoration     Fat Rat da Czar

Literary Arts:  Janna McMahan     Aida Rogers     Jim Barilla

Theatre:  Bobby Bloom     Terrance Henderson      Vicky Saye Henderson

Visual Arts:  Michaela Pilar Brown     Philip Mullen     Thomas Crouch


We're looking forward to seeing how clever you are -- and learning who the winners are ourselves!

So get guessing -- and we'll see you on Thursday when we announce the winners!