Jasper Shares -- A New Way of Getting Your Arts News & Accomplishments to the Community


Dear Artists and Arts Lovers,


We've got something new and exciting up our sleeves and we can't wait to tell you about it. We call it Jasper Shares and it's a new way of keeping everyone in the loop about the goings-on in the greater Columbia arts community. No, it's not just event-oriented--although we will be offering for your consideration Jasper's Picks for the most interesting and innovative events coming up. It's more about the great things Soda City artists do that often lead to these events. Things like getting a part in a play or a ballet or winning a contest or award. It's about sharing arts news with people who care, and it's about making the sharing of news as easy as clicking right here!


Jasper Shares will show up in your in-box on a weekly or less schedule with helpful arts-based news – not only about what’s going on with Jasper, but also about what’s going on with all of you in the greater Columbia arts community.


  • Did your new book come out or did it get a review you’re too shy to share?


  • Did you release a new CD?


  • Has the cast for the latest play at any of our local theatres been set?


  • Do you have an exhibition opening soon?


  • A concert, film, or dance performance?


Let us know and we’ll help you share your good news with the rest of the world. However, with an arts scene as bustling as Columbia’s, we won’t be able to share everything that’s going on. But we’ll pick out the coolest arts news—the news that affects the most people, and the biggest deals—and we’ll pass the word along in Jasper Shares.

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We’re also claiming Bragging Rights!


Was your painting accepted at some big deal art gallery or did you win an award or a prize or a random, but brag-worthy accolade? Sometimes it’s awkward to boast about your own successes and accomplishments. But the rest of us really do want to know. We’re a community! Your success is our success! So let Jasper Shares do the crowing for you.


Send us your news in an email to editor@JasperColumbia.com with the word SHARE in the subject line. If you have a photo or video, send that, too!


And look forward to the first official issue of Jasper Shares coming soon.


Until then, keep making good stuff happen, Columbia artists and arts lovers! All our lives are better because of the good work you do.

Take care,

Your friends at Jasper


Sign up for Jasper Shares at www.JasperColumbia.com or simply click here!

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