Jenifer Bartell's Traveling Mercy -- Launching this Fall, Preorder NOW!

“A Jennifer Bartell poem unwinds like “a Black tea-stained river water… on its way to the Atlantic.” A Jennifer Bartell poem houses the bucolic gospel of a Bluefield griot and the abstract blues of our present world. Lucille Clifton appears with tiny packages of light. A stone grows gills and lives  at the bottom of a woman-built lake. You find the poet in the mouth of the fish. Jennifer Bartell makes fabulous poems. Traveling Mercy is a fabulous debut.” –Terrance Hayes, MacArthur Genius and author of American Sonnets for my Past & Future Assassin

“Bartell’s Traveling Mercy is such an intimate history of a Black girl raised by Black women, raised by church fans and magnolia memories, dream-hymns of Black people pushing through mud and disease and held together by traditions. This rich collection of poems, by a Black girl who knows how and why to style okra seeds in her hair, spills with fat oysters and a community’s petrified pounded grace. Bartell assures she will never give us one chance to hold our breath, as we jump into this never-ending deep end of blazing life, therefore, prepare to be drenched.” –Nikky Finney, National Book Award Winner and author of Head Off & Split

Jennifer Bartell Boykin is the Poet Laureate of the City of Columbia. She teaches at Spring Valley High School, where she was named the 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year. She was born and raised in Bluefield, a community of Johnsonville, SC. She received the MFA in Poetry from the University of South Carolina. Her debut book of poetry, Traveling Mercy, will be released in November 2023 under the name Jennifer Bartell. Her poetry has been published in Obsidian, Callaloo, pluck!, As/Us, The Raleigh Review, kinfolks: a journal of black expression, Jasper Magazine, the museum americana, Scalawag, and Kakalak, among others. An alumna of Agnes Scott College, Jennifer has fellowships from Callaloo and The Watering Hole. She is pursuing a Master of Library and Information Science at USC to become a school librarian. You can reach her online at

Traveling Mercy navigates the journeys of a Black woman from rural South Carolina. Her travels transcend time as she encounters history, nature, and grief. She sits with the eldest residents before her birth, with the first ancestor who came to these shores, with her parents through their marriage, and through her own loneliness in the wake of their deaths. Planting as she harvests, this book is a lament and a love story to survival. 

Pre-order Traveling Mercy for $20.99 (USD)

This is an advanced sales price that will increase after its release

Traveling Mercy will be released on November 17, 2023. The pre-order sale price is guaranteed through September 15, 2023. Reserve your copy today!


Professional dance company from Columbia, SC presents fourth annual concert on August 18th and 19th, 2023

The Columbia Repertory Dance Company will present a full evening of dance for two nights at the CMFA Artspace, 914 Pulaski Street, August 18th and 19th, 2023 at 8 pm.

IN OUR TIME explores the stages of life and addresses the human capacity for vulnerability, strength, and growth.

With IN OUR TIME, Columbia Repertory Dance Company presents their fourth annual summer concert and second as a nonprofit organization. Featuring South Carolina choreographers Angela Gallo, Erin Bailey, Dale Lam, Kiyomi Mercadante Ramirez, Jennifer Deckert and Andre Megerdichian, and Stephanie Wilkins, the organization will mount an evening of versatile and exhilarating entertainment that demonstrates the depth and range of talent in dance in Columbia, and follows their mission statement in helping to both employ SC dance artists and ultimately provide dance opportunities that will allow exceptionally skilled professional dancers the opportunity to call Columbia, SC their year-round home.

The company will present works that portray the unique perspective of each choreographer. By collaborating with local artists and organizations and blending the highly physical with the highly emotional, Columbia Repertory Dance Company aims to create an experience that draws people in and encourages them to make dance a regular part of their arts consumption.

Pictured front - Bonnie Boiter-Jolley, co-founder & managing director, formerly of Spectrum Dance Theatre (Seattle) and principal dancer with Columbia City Ballet

Left to right - Megan Saylors - who has danced with Joel Hall and Dancers and Innervation Dance Cooperative in Chicago

Olivia Timmerman - apprentice - currently pursuing a BFA in Choreography at Coker College

Lindsay Fallow - freelance artist

photos from “Two Vulnerable People” photo credit Meghann Padgett

In 2018, co-founders Bonnie Boiter-Jolley and Stephanie Wilkins founded the Columbia Summer Repertory Dance Company with a desire to offer dancers more options in a city focused heavily on ballet. They started with the financial sponsorship of the Jasper Project, a plan focused on summer performances (Columbia’s dance offseason) and a sold-out debut performance in 2019 which was followed by a sold-out concert in 2021. The company has extended their season length and become a 501c3 non-profit organization. The group’s popularity among Columbia natives comes from their commitment to exploring refreshing narratives and styles of dance in their work.

The Columbia Repertory Dance Company will perform IN OUR TIME on Friday, August 18th, 2023, at 8 PM and Saturday, August 19th, 2023, at 8 PM at CMFA Artspace (914 Pulaski St, Columbia, SC 29201). Admission is $30 for this event, and more info and tickets can be found at  or for Friday and for Saturday.

Pictured left to right - Ashlee Taylor who performs with Moving Body Dance and the Johnson Company in addition to CRDC

Sakura Oka - 2017 World Ballet Competition Bronze Medalist who has performed with Columbia Classical Ballet, Ann Brodie’s Carolina Ballet, and Columbia City Ballet

This program is supported in part by H-tax funding from the City of Columbia and by the South Carolina Arts Commission which is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts and collaborates in its work with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and South Arts. 


The Columbia Repertory Dance Company’s mission is to broaden the experience of professional dance artists and patrons in Columbia, SC through multidisciplinary collaborative performances year-round. We aim to retain the talents of South Carolina dance artists and provide a spectrum of professional opportunities while inspiring and developing a broader and deeper understanding of dance in Columbia and surrounding areas.


For more information about the Columbia Repertory Dance Company, please visit or follow on Facebook and Instagram


Celebrating the 2023 Play Right Series and Everyone Involved ~ a message from Cindi

Congratulations to the Cast & Crew of the PRS 2023 Winning Play THERAPY by Lonetta Thompson!

Cast & Crew of Lonetta Thompson’s THERAPY

Emily Deck Harrill, Ric Edwards, Marilyn Matheus, Michelle Jacobs, Allison Allgood, Elena Martinez-Vidal and center front Lonetta Thompson

Forgive me if this message still reads a little giddy but we’ve just completed the culmination of the Jasper Project’s 2023 Play Right Series and it just feels so good!

Here’s a little history. I came up with the idea for the Play Right Series in 2017 as a way to promote and support original playwrighting from SC artists while at the same time gently informing members of the community about how much time, energy, talent, and WORK HOURS go into the creation of theatre.

I have this theory that one of the reasons arts (of all disciplines) are not valued as they should be is that, due to our lack of proper arts education and appreciation in schools, among other reasons, the average working South Carolinian doesn’t learn and build their worldview knowing that in addition to art being a talent, it is also work. If the arts are not a part of one’s life, many people think of art as a hobby or something only children engage in until they grow out of it. Think piano and ballet lessons. The average person may not discern the difference in hobbyists, crafters, and artists—all important parts of our culture, but also distinctly different. They may not realize how many of their fellow South Carolinians make their livings as professional artists or in one of the unique and highly skilled jobs that fall under the profession of arts administration.

When we started the Play Right Series in 2017 with our first play, Sharks and Other Lovers written by David Randall Cook and directed by Larry Hembree, I hoped that by inviting Community Producers to become a part of the process they would act as diplomats of local theatre, sharing their experiences and encouraging others to make live theatre part of their entertainment options. The plan was—and still is—that we ask Community Producers to invest $250 each in the production of a brand-new juried play by a SC playwright with their investment going to pay a cast and crew (and playwright) to workshop that play from the first table reading to a ticketed staged reading. (Some, like Bill and Jack, donate even more.) The CPs are invited to meet with the cast and crew over the course of a month or so and take part in the workshopping of the script before serving as our guests of honor at the public staged reading.

In 2022, Chad Henderson directed last year’s winning play, Moon Swallower by Colby Quick to a SRO audience. It was almost a full production of the play.

Last night, under the direction of Elena Martinez-Vidal with stage management by Emily Deck Harrill, this year’s Community Producers and generous sponsors produced the staged reading of Therapy by SC theatre artist Lonetta Thompson. The cast included Marilyn Mattheus, Allison Allgood, Michelle Jacobs, and Ric Edwards. Illustrious SC playwright and Jasper Project board of directors member Jon Tuttle oversaw the entire project for the second year in a row and all I did was bring cookies.






Some of last year’s CPs were so pleased with the project in 2022 that they came back this year –thank you to Kirkland and James Smith and to the incredibly supportive Bill Schmidt for this. New CPs and sponsors included Shannon and Steven Huffman, Jack and Dora Ann McKenzie, Betsy Newman, and Amy and Vincent Sheheen, as well as new JP board members Keith Tolen and Libby Campbell. JP board president Wade Sellers and I were CPs again, as well.

This morning, messages streamed in on the group email thread Jon initiated for ease in communication, showering each other, actors, CPs, and playwright alike with congratulations and heartfelt feedback. Keith Tolen says, “I will never watch a performance the same without thinking of the work that makes it seem effortless. Thanks to all because you made it an experience that I will not soon forget.” Kirkland Smith says, “It was a wonderful experience and I very much appreciate your openness, honesty, and talent!”




It is extremely unusual for me to use the term “I” when referencing anything the Jasper Project does. That’s because without an enthusiastically working board of directors who share the same passion that board president Wade Sellers and I have about the importance of service to our fellow artists and arts administrators, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything. But this time, I’m so proud of how this little seed of an idea of mine has been implemented and improved upon by the generous and talented individuals who participated in Play Right Series 2023, that I want to claim it! It’s a legacy thing, but also, the Play Right Series is Jasper at its finest. An idea becomes a mission and good people play parts small and large to fulfill that mission, making it a reality.

Congratulations to everyone involved in Play Right Series 2023. In addition to everyone already mentioned, this includes board member Bert Easter, who shared some of his beautiful items from Easter Antiques at the Red Lion for the stage set, and to Ed Madden for helping Bert haul said stuff to and from CMFA; also to Christina Xan, Libby Campbell, and Kristin Cobb for working the event; to Bekah Rice for her graphic arts skills and for laying out the book that many attendees and all CPs and sponsors took home with them; to Bob Jolley at Muddy Ford Press for donating his time and financial resources to this project; and to One Columbia and Columbia Music Festival Association for rehearsal and performance space.

Clearly, we have the village that it takes to birth new art in Columbia, SC.


Poetry of the People with Al Black featuring Jeff Bryson

Given his years of service to the poets of SC and beyond, Jasper asked board of directors member Al Black to curate a weekly addition to Jasper Online featuring some of his favorite local poetry. A Poet of the People himself, Al produces gatherings of writers and musicians both in Columbia and throughout the Southeast. He is the author of two collections of works, I Only Left For Tea, and Man With Two Shadows.

I have chosen W. Jefferson Bryson as our first Poet of the People, because of the unvarnished immediacy of his truths; no bells and whistles or other affectations; just his truths in his words.

I know Jeff as poet and sometimes musician who grew up in the upstate and spent most of his adult life in the midlands as a social worker and then twelve years as the State Ombudsman and still was able to retain his integrity and humanity.

PTSP: Post Traumatic Stress Poetry   1970

How it Was

Until it Wasn’t


Two years down

How quickly it happens

On a Wednesday

Walking a path

Crickets and comrades

Then little dark men

In black pajamas

With old AKs

As big as they are

Leap out ahead of us

And scream and fire

And their aim

So poor, so terrified

Of hulking, red-eyed

American Devils

Their shots tear apart

The jungle around us

We aim together

And render them

Red mist, mostly

Painting the foliage

And the ground

All around.


And suddenly

Wednesday, again

Tour over, discharge

A duffle-bag

Jeans and a work shirt

Commercial flight

DC-9 to San Diego

Teach Your Children

On the radio


And all I know

Is friendly

Or foe

And me, now

Without a weapon.


Flashback, With Soundtrack  

Listening to Creedence

Reminds me of the jungle

The sound of M-16 fire

Of helicopters, of brown water

Of 50 cals, of F-4 Phantoms

The smell of rice paddies

Hot in the afternoon

Or drowning in rain

The smell of Napalm

The smells of Saigon

Viet Nam.


My Brothers

My God

Where are they

What has happened

To us all.


Zero-Dark-Thirty, One More Time 

Three-thirty in the dark. Again.

And I’m awake. Again.

And I remember. Again.

All gave some. Some gave all.

And the elephant grass

Grows tall and thick

Through my memory

And I forget

Until I dream.


And the sound of M-16 fire

Suddenly returns in the deep night

And the thump of 50 cals

I feel them in my ribs

My own heartbeat

Even now, quickens

And I remember

The smell of Napalm

And screaming death

And I will sleep no more




You hear

Magic Carpet Ride

I see fire

Blossoming, rising

Red and black

Mushroom clouds

Of Napalm

In forever-green




Cobra gunships

F-4 Phantoms.


Burning villages

Cluster bombs.


It won’t hurt you

It only kills plants.


Mekong catfish,

Twelve feet long.

China Beach.




Some of us

Never went.


Some of us

Never left.


Something As Simple As a Song  



Blood, Sweat and Tears


Da Nang

Dok To

Long Binh


My Lai

Khe Sanh




How can it have come to this?

To be a sick, sad old man

Alone in a small apartment

In a raging city of angry strangers

All my comrades

Lost or gone

Ghosts of memory

Living or dead

And the greatest tragedy of all

Not a trace of senility

Or forgetfulness

Or rest

Or peace

In me.


W. Jefferson Bryson is a retired Social Worker. He has spent a lot of time with Vietnam vets and heard a lot of stories. Sometimes they come back in bits and snatches in poems like these.

A Poem by Randy Spencer

In this summer of Oppenheimer (and Barbie) mania, Chapin poet Randy Spencer was reminded of this poem, which he read in 2002 at a gathering for Richard Rhodes when he came to USC for a discussion of his "The Making of the Atomic Bomb." Jasper is pleased to share this with you 21 years later.


Georgia O'Keeffe Discusses Her Poem


                        [1945] My Ghost Ranch in New Mexico is due North

                        of Los Alamos. I have painted two canvases of the sky

                        pouring through the pelvic bones of cows, the first where

                        that light is deep blue, and the second where the sky turns

                        yellow and blood seems to pore from the circle of bone.



Pelvis III, 1944, Oil on Canvas, 48 x 40

Pelvis Series, Red and Yellow, 1945, 36 x 48


Pelvic bones, held up, are wondrous against the sky's blue

I felt would always be there, fixed, long after Man's

Destructiveness is finished. Cut sharply, they are a beauty

At the center of something unique, both horrifying and grand,

Empty, yet keenly alive. Perfect ovals, my eye captures

Them as elopements toward Infinity, absent any middle ground,

No perspective intervening between Birth and Death, treasures

I searched for among the camposantos until they were found.


Now red encircles the yellow, the acetabulum, the vinegar cup,

The foramen of blood, Batter, then, my heart,

Oppenheimer, quoting Donne, Three-personed Deity, now his Trinity,

His opening of an orifice for God to sculpt.

What colors, I would ask, could be left for the pacifist artist

Who magnifies emptiness, who paints Death against the desert sky.

- Randy Spencer

Photos courtesy of the Georgia O’Keefe Museum

Randy Spencer is a retired child psychiatrist living on the lake in Chapin. He is a published poet and short story writer, who most recently was a Pushcart Award nominee for a poem about the Ukraine war. His upcoming book from Muddy Ford Press is a series of interconnected poems taking place in Andersonville Military Prison in Georgia during the Civil War, but the themes are universal and timeless. He is currently working on a novella that reimagines Remarque's classic World War II novel, A Time to Love and a Time to Die, but is set in the current conflict in Ukraine.

Deadline for Fall Lines Extended to August 14th! Whew!

It’s not too late to submit your poetry and prose to the 2023 Fall Lines - a literary convergence journal and competition. 

Because at Jasper, we know how it feels to juggle art and life, we’re extending the deadline for submissions to 2023 Fall Lines volume X until midnight Monday, August 14th.  

This gives you two weekends to create a poem or some flash fiction, or to finish and polish that short story you’ve been building in your mind, if not on the screen or paper.

Don’t forget that this year we’re offering Three Prizes! 

The Saluda River Prize for Poetry and the Broad River Prize for Prose, sponsored by the Friends of the Richland Library, as well as the Combahee River Prize for South Carolina writer of color in either poetry or prose, sponsored by the SC Academy of Authors.


So relax. You have plenty of time to burnish your words and send them on to Jasper. 

We can’t wait to read what you’ve written!

Music for All Ages–The Columbia Arts Academy Celebrates its 20th Anniversary

By Liz Stalker

Saturday, August 12th, the Columbia Arts Academy will be hosting open houses at all of their locations to celebrate their 20th Anniversary! The open houses will take place that day from 3-6 p.m., and the public is encouraged to stop by any of the three locations spread throughout the Columbia area: the Columbia Arts Academy (Rosewood Dr.), the Lexington School of Music (Barr Rd.), and the Irmo Music Academy (Lake Murray Blvd.). The festivities will include free food, tours, and an “instrument petting zoo” where guests can get a taste of the various instruments the school provides lessons for. As a part of the celebration, the school will also be giving away door prizes, including a grand prize of a year of free music lessons!  

Starting in 2003 as a small-scale studio with founder Marty Fort as the only instructor to 30 students, the Columbia Arts Academy has since grown into the largest private music school in the state of South Carolina. The journey has involved plenty of ups and downs. In fact, when Fort first acquired the Rosewood space, he had a lot of work to do to make it habitable for his business. “When I started Rosewood,” he says, “there were rats, there was broken glass, there was no carpet, no wall. It was $60,000 on a Visa and a MasterCard to get Rosewood off the ground.”  

But get it off the ground he did, with the school expanding into a second location just a decade later in 2015. This expansion was necessary as the Columbia Arts Academy had hit 500 students and counting, a huge milestone for the company, though it pales in comparison to the over 1700 students the school now serves.

 The school offers instruction for an incredibly wide range of instruments–piano, guitar, voice, bass, drums, banjo, ukulele, violin, and even mandolin. Fort himself is well-versed in most, if not all, of these instruments. In the spirit of modesty, he admits that violin would likely be his weakest instrument but notes that, “Once you really lock into music, there’s so much crossover.”  

The school also sees an incredibly diverse age range among its students, with the youngest of its pupils being just three and four years old and its oldest musical scholars approaching their eighties and nineties. This broad range of ages reflects the school’s highest purpose: to serve the musical passions of the community at large.

In addition to music lessons, the Columbia Arts Academy has provided opportunities for its students to perform at highly respected and admired venues and performance halls, such as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Guest House at Graceland. Most recently, students traveled to New York to perform at the Weill Recital at Carnegie Hall.  

Closer to home, the Columbia Arts Academy band, including Fort himself, performed alongside Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metallica, at the Columbia Museum of Art, an opportunity that opened the school up to a massive platform.  

Fort is immensely proud of the growth and success his business has seen over the last two decades. He has such an obvious and enthusiastic love for each location he has been able to bring to life, describing them all as “kind of like kids–they all have their own personalities.” Their perpetuity within the community is a testament to not only his robust work ethic and the excellence of his staff, but the surrounding community’s love and appreciation for music.

“You know, most businesses don't make it five years,” he says. “20 years is a long time, I’m just so proud, and now, I think for me, it's a reset. High fives, we've got a great party planned.”  

Regarding this party, Fort says he’s most excited just to see the community turn out and show their support. “We love it when people come and check us out,” he says. “We work very hard to keep our places nice, clean, looking awesome, and what I'm looking forward to is people coming and saying ‘hi.’” 

For more information visit the Columbia Arts Academy website, or call or text (803)-787-0931.

David Dohan on Blurring the Boundaries Between Imagination and the Natural World

David Dohan’s Jasper Galleries show at Sound Bites is coming to a close after a month of sharing his unique perspective on the natural world.  

A Columbia artist, Dohan was born in Connecticut of Italian, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian, and Polish descent.

 “My family, generations of fisherman, carpenters, mechanics, and engineers, moved down to Naples, Florida, in the early 80’s for work in a place that was just starting to boom,” he recalls, “There I grew up amongst temperate pine forests, lowland swamps of the everglades, limestone filtered lakes, and crystal-clear waters of the Florida Keys.” 

It wasn’t long after this that Dohan had his first experience with art, but it was not simply making art in a class that served as the catalyst—it was early childhood defiance.  

“The power of art and how it affects people has been burned into my memory from a very early age. My first memorable moment of its power was as early as first grade. When the teacher had to step away for an emergency and told us all to remain seated…I grabbed my chair and slid it up close to the chalkboard, grabbed the chalk, and stepped up onto it,” he reminisces, “On my tippy toes I drew the biggest cartoon dinosaur I could. A three-foot-tall T-Rex that, as I recall, looked amazingly like Barney. The students were amazed, and for the first time in my life I felt talented. My heart is filled with such pride whenever someone says my art is beautiful.” 

That moment led Dohan to draw every day until the point, as a teenager, he never left home without a sketchbook and tools. When it was time to go to college, he knew an art path was the only option. He chose to attend Ringling School of Art and Design, where he graduated with a BA in Fine Arts, majoring specifically in computer animation and video production. At Ringling, however, he experimented with a plethora of tools and techniques.

 “Ringling is renowned for teaching classic foundational techniques with experimentation of all mediums while being trained in composition, color, design, and appeal with a focus on the ways of the masters,” he shares, “It was vigorous and immersive at the same time. We were given creative freedom but had to follow specific goals in order to complete our projects as we rotated through all the mediums.”  

The mediums Dohan explored there included charcoal, pastel, oils, acrylics, clay, wood, metal, photography, and printmaking—however, among all these, one stood out: watercolor.  

“I love the way watercolor is immersive, unpredictable, and chaotic. I found myself drawn to the way it flows, reacts, and is defined by the paper, gravity, and additives in the water,” he shares, “I found it challenging to control and it led me to search for the best techniques to produce the qualities I was looking for.” 

As he has honed his techniques over the years, Dohan finds that he utilizes various ones even today as it is the subject matter that truly determines the technique.  

“Sometimes I do a piece with straight on brushwork, wet on wet, dry on dry, or washes. I also like to photograph my subject in multiple angles and lighting. This allows me to construct my artwork using this imagery to produce my compositions,” he details,” I use one of my favorites which is masking and pouring. It allows me to fully think of the subject and create the details needed to fully capture the subject while building detail with additional techniques like scraping, stippling, spattering, even using soap, and salt for texture.”

 To prepare for this exploration of subject matter and technique, Dohan often starts with an image; this image may be a specific, singular leaf or an idea in his head that he needs to storyboard and sketch.  

As he emphasizes, “Finally after completing hundreds of thousands of marks the piece is completed but only when every millimeter of the page has been realized, all positive and negative space has been balanced, and the idea can be understood from a stranger's perspective.” 

The image these strangers will find when looking at Dohan’s work will almost always be that of the natural world, specifically landscapes.  

“I always felt landscapes are very relaxing to paint. I enjoy being able to prepare some paper, throw some paint on it and just see what comes of it,” he explains, “This is how the canyon series evolved. They were experiments in different palettes and techniques and how the paint reacted to different papers. I slowly evolved them and pushed myself to create depth, perspective, form, texture, and build each piece with each additional technique and readjusting with each addition.” 

Though Dohan paints landscapes, paints images of the natural world as it is, this does not limit his creativity—not in the least. In fact, it compounds it.  

“I draw a lot from my imagination. Creating characters, alien worlds, underwater reefs, and landscapes that I have gleaned from my various travels around the country. I love science, technology, and the natural world,” he effuses, “I am amazed at how our universe works. The physics of it and the life in it. I try to see good in everything, all the while, trying to make it through this life without harmfully colliding with everything else. I am amazed by the flow of time, growth, and how life evolves. How everything affects the things around it.” 

For his show at Sound Bites, Dohan decided to select a number of pieces from across his career, a sampling of his vast imagination’s take on the world’s vast landscape.

 “All of these pieces are from different time periods of my career, very early to quite recent. I tried to show a good variety of styles, mediums, and subject matter. I also pulled some pieces out of my personal collection that I have held onto for decades,” he intimates, “I hold a very personal attachment to all of my artwork since I mostly do my artwork for myself. I try to create something that I feel is beautiful and that I would put on the walls of my home. I believe that people try to surround themselves with beauty and to showcase their personal style.” 

For those who viewed the show at SoundBites—and all those who view his work in the future—Dohan’s main goal is to craft a bond between patron and painting: “I just hope that someone will have a special connection with the art I create and love it enough to own it. Only then it can have the chance to show those around you a little piece of your personality that is sometimes untold.”


And connections he has made. Dohan’s art career has a thread of success running through it, having a healthy handful of recognition and exhibition under his belt, including:

  • 1994 – First year college works - The Eleven Young Artist Exibition – Cove Gallery, Naples, Florida

  • 1995 – Naples Art Association Scholarship in Art Competition Award – Emerging Artist Show

  • 1998 – Ringling School of Art and Design – Best of Ringling Award – Annual Juried Student Exhibition

  • 1998 – Siggraph 98 -International Conference of Computer Graphics and Interactive Technology

    • Senior Thesis – The Wonder of It All – Computer Animated short - Was included in the broadcasts on kiosks throughout the conference.

  • 1998 – Sixth Annual Digital Salon – Wonder of it All  - Computer Animated short

  • 1998 – Ventues- Visual Art Museum – New York

  • 1999 – Circulo de Bellas Artes – Madrid, Spain

  • 1999 – Triennale di Milano - Milan, Italy

  • 1999 – Centro de Cultura Contemporanea – Barcelona, Spain

  • 1999 – Sala de Exposiciones CAM – Alicante, Spain

  • 2000 – Electronics  Exhibition – University of Tampa Scarfone/Hartley Galleries 

Dohan’s work may come down from Jasper Galleries at Sound Bites this weekend, but he isn’t going anywhere. 

“I have the Cottontown Art Crawl in the spring of next year lined up. I try to have a collectors show every year. I invite my fan base to come and look at the newest of my works, but a venue has not been decided,” he shares, “I am always working on new pieces and these days they take longer and longer. Especially since life sometimes gets in the way of its creation.”  

You can see Dohan’s current and past work at his website or on his Facebook page

Curious patrons and interested artists can learn more about Jasper Galleries here.

SC Academy of Authors Sponsors Jasper's Combahee Prize for a SC Writer of Color in this year's Fall Lines

The Jasper Project is delighted to announce that the South Carolina Academy of Authors will be the sponsor of the 2023 Combahee Prize for a SC writer of color in this year’s Fall Lines – a literary convergence journal.

Founded in 1986, the South Carolina Academy of Authors (SCAA) is a nonprofit organization which recognizes distinguished South Carolina writers, living and deceased, through induction into the Academy. It also supports developing writers with its Coker Fellowships and Student Prizes in Poetry and Short Fiction. 

"The SCAA is very pleased to join with The Jasper Project in supporting the Combahee River Prize,” says Marybeth Evans, chairman of its Board of Governors. “The Academy is dedicated to nurturing and supporting South Carolina’s literary talent. It deeply values the multicultural diversity displayed in the work of all the extraordinary writers in our state."

The SC Academy of Authors joins the Friends of Richland Library in sponsoring these three prizes: the Broad River Prize for Prose, the Saluda River Prize for Poetry, and the Combahee River Prize for a SC Writer of Color in Poetry or Prose. Each prize offers $250 cash and publication in Fall Lines - a literary convergence, volume X.

The deadline for submitting your work for consideration in this year’s Fall Lines - a literary convergence is July 31, 2023.

Submit to Fall Lines volume X here.

Jasper Wants YOUR Review of the Barbie Film!

In the 24 some odd hours since the movie Barbie has been released Jasper has been reading some fascinating insights and reviews on social media. Clearly, this film is serving as a catalyst for emotions, retrospection, contemplation — all the feels.

It strikes us here at Jasper that by sharing our thoughts about the film we might also grow as people, as film viewers, and as a community of individuals who want the best for our children, ourselves, and each other.

Please send us your personal reviews of Barbie as well as the take-away message you brought home with you. Your response is important and valid. We’ll publish a selection of them in next week’s Sundays with Jasper (subscribe at bottom of page link).

Just send your words to us as an email, a word doc, or a pasted clip from your socials and let us know if you are cool with us using your name or if you’d like to be anonymous. The email is and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think.

Stormwater Announces Group Exhibition as part of BIPOC Residency Program

From our friends at Stormwater Studios

Stormwater Studios is thrilled to announce a group exhibition titled "Cultural Heritage | Creative Expression” which showcases the finalists of the inaugural Stormwater one-year Residency Program, designed to support and celebrate diverse voices within the artistic community. The program was made possible by the generous contribution of an anonymous donor with matching funds from One Columbia, to help foster an inclusive culture at Stormwater. The exhibition will be on display July 19-30th, with an Opening Reception on July 20th, from 5-8pm, and an Artist Talk and Closing Reception on July 30th, from 1-3pm.

The Stormwater Residency aims to provide a professional working environment that welcomes all forms of visual creative expression. As part of this year-long residency, the selected artist will have the opportunity to step outside their usual creative settings, allowing for reflection, research, experimentation with various materials, and the creation of a comprehensive body of work, which will culminate in a solo exhibition.

To identify the resident artist, Stormwater engaged prominent leaders in the art community to form a dedicated committee. Drawing upon their extensive expertise, the committee thoughtfully nominated and meticulously narrowed down the selection, culminating in the final selection process at Stormwater.

In recognition of the exceptional talent among all the residency finalists, Stormwater will proudly host a two-week art exhibition that will serve as a platform to showcase their extraordinary work. The participating artists include Nakisa Beigi, Malik Greene, Raishad Glover, Lori Starnes Isom, Quincy Pugh, Maya Smith, and Cedric Umoja. Through a diverse range of artistic expressions, the artists comment on their respective cultures, the immigrant experience, and convey emotions through poignant and nostalgic narratives. The themes explored will revolve around identity, culture, and politics, facilitating a deeper connection between the viewers and the artwork.

The exhibition will be open to the public from July 19th to July 30th, providing an opportunity for art lovers and the wider community to experience the powerful and thought-provoking artworks created by these exceptional artists. To kick off the exhibition, an opening reception will be held on July 20th from 5-8pm, allowing attendees to engage with the artists and gain deeper insights into their creative processes. Furthermore, a closing reception and artist talk will take place on July 30th from 1-3pm. Art historian and critic, Frank C. Martin, II, Ph.D., a member of l’Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art (AICA - an international art critics’ association) will act as moderator. Dr. Martin will provide an opportunity for attendees to engage in meaningful conversations with the individuals whose works will be on display, intending to enhance their understanding of the artists' visions.


This program is sponsored by South Carolina Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities; inspiring, engaging and enriching South Carolinians with programs on literature, history, culture, and heritage.


Storyboarding Workshop with Corey Davis at 701 CCA

Corey "Roc Bottom" Davis Storyboarding Workshop

701 Center for Contemporary Art

Saturday, July 15, 2023

1 pm to - 3 pm

Join multi-talented creative, Corey “Roc Bottom” Davis for a workshop exploring the process of storyboarding. In conjunction with Tyrone Geter’s Artist in Residence at 701 Center for Contemporary Art, Corey will guide the participants through the history of graphic novels while helping them develop their own hero’s storyline.

Corey Davis has vast knowledge and expertise in utilizing ink and pencils to create comics. He will explain how to communicate ideas through visual scenes in a sequence during this workshop. You will learn the step-by-step creative process to create your own storyboard. By the end of the session, you will have a storyboard outlined to take home and use again to develop your own characters and stories and share the new worlds you create with the community.

For more information on Roc Bottom and to view his work please visit

For more information about the workshop please visit

We are located at 701 Whaley Street, Columbia, SC 29201. Please take the elevator to the second floor to the Main Exhibition Gallery.

Rocbottom Studios

Chapin Theatre Company's 3rd Annual 10 Minute-ish Play Festival

Chapin theatre Company’s third annual 10 Minute Play Festival will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 3 & 4, 2023, at our new building at 830 Columbia Ave, Chapin, SC.

Submissions of short plays or sketches written by local peeps is a great opportunity to see your words come alive on stage. If selected, you will have an option of directing and/or casting your play.

Specific requirements:

  1. Playwright must live in or be from South Carolina.

  2. Must be 10 minutes or less.

  3. Maximum of 5 characters

  4. Must have minimal set and technical requirements

  5. Keep it PG 13 or less

  6. Should be in a "play format" and saved as a pdf, using our guidelines. Play title and page number must be written on each page

  7. This is a blind submission, so your name must NOT be written on the script

  8. Only two plays will be accepted by each playwright. Only one can be included in the festival

  9. Winning plays cannot be revised after selection

  10. All entrants must complete and submit the entry form

Submissions begin June 15.
Deadline for submissions is August 26, 2023.

Last Week for Play Right Series Community Producers and Sponsors to Support a Brand New Play by Lonetta Thompson






You’re invited to become a Jasper Project Play Right Series Community Producer or Sponsor

As a Play Right Series Community Producer you will be a part of an elite team of art supporters who invest a modest amount of money in the production of a brand-new play (Lonetta Thompson’s Therapy) to the staged reading phase of development.


How does this work?

Every Sunday afternoon in July, starting July 9, you are invited to join with the cast, crew, and fellow Community Producers of Therapy for an enlightening and entertaining session that pulls back the curtains of theatre development and illuminates how a stageplay goes from page to stage. Your first session will offer you a private viewing of the first step in play production, the Table Reading – the first time the cast of Therapy reads their parts together for their director, Elena Martinez-Vidal.

Subsequent sessions will focus on essential ingredients in the production of a successful staged reading, such as the stage manager’s job; props, lighting, blocking, and sound; unique insights from the director; how the actors prepare for their parts; playwright perceptions from this year and past projects; and an invitation to the dress rehearsal. In addition to your invitation to gather with the cast and crew every Sunday in July, each session will also feature exciting snacks and beverages. And many more surprises each week!

Finally, you’ll take your reserved, best-in-the-house seats to a ticketed staged reading of Lonetta Thompson’s Therapy on Sunday, August 6th.

But there’s more.  

Your name will be included as a Community Producer on programs, posters, press releases, and other promotional materials as well as in the perfect bound book, Therapy by Lonetta Thompson, published by Muddy Ford Press and registered with the Library of Congress, and you will take home your own copies of Therapy as a souvenir of your experience.


What is expected of Community Producers?

We hope you can make it to every exciting Sunday afternoon meeting, but we understand if you have to miss some. Each session will last from 90 – 120 minutes.

The financial commitment for a Community Producer is a minimum of $250 per person, but institutional sponsorships are also available and appreciated. You can also sponsor a student for $250 if you are unable to participate yourself.

Our hope is that you will be so enlightened and inspired by this experience that you will become a diplomat of live theatre, fresh playwrights, and the Jasper Project and encourage your friends and colleagues to participate in live theatre themselves!

Past Community Producers Include James & Kirkland Smith, Ed Madden, Bert Easter, Paul Leo, Eric Tucker, Bill Schmidt, Wade Sellers & more

Play Right Series Levels of Engagement

Community Producer    $250

Invitation to attend all five PRS CP sessions on Sunday afternoons, July 2023; reserved seats for you and up to 3 additional guests to attend the premier staged reading of Therapy on

August 6, 2023; your name in the book Therapy by Lonetta Thompson (Muddy Ford Press, 2023), as well as in the program, and all promotional materials; Jasper Project gift bag


Other Sponsorship Levels

Scholarship Sponsor      $250

Covers the cost of a local college student attending all Community Producer functions plus you can attend the ticketed Staged Reading on August 6th and meet your beneficiary. Your generosity will be recorded along with the Community Producers in the published play as well as in all other promotional materials and you will receive one copy of Therapy by Lonetta Thompson

Actor Sponsor                 $500 

This level sponsors one actor and supports the Play Right Series. Your generosity will be recorded along with the Community Producers in the published play as well as in all other promotional materials and you will receive one copy of Therapy by Lonetta Thompson and an invitation for you and up to 4 additional guests to attend the premier staged reading of Therapy on August 6, 2023

Corporate Sponsors

Playwright            $1000

This level sponsors the playwright and supports the Play Right Series. Your generosity will be recorded along with the Community Producers in the published play as well as in all other promotional materials and you will receive three copies of Therapy by Lonetta Thompson and an invitation for you and up to 5 additional guests to attend the premier staged reading of Therapy on August 6, 2023

Director                $2500

This level sponsors the director and supports the Play Right Series. Your generosity will be recorded along with the Community Producers in the published play as well as in all other promotional materials and you will receive six copies of Therapy by Lonetta Thompson and an invitation for you and up to 6 additional guests to attend the premier staged reading of Therapy on August 6, 2023

Spend the 4th with the SC Philharmonic at Segra Park!

From our friends at the SC Philharmonic —

TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2023 | GATES: 6:30 PM
CONCERT: 8:00 PM |



Join us at Segra Park for Fireworks with the Phil 2023. Gates open at 6:30 PM and the orchestra will begin playing around 8:00 PM. In its third year, this patriotic program has become a new Independence Day tradition for Midlands families. This year’s fireworks display is even bigger than last year’s, and you’ll get to enjoy all of Segra Park’s fun ballpark food and drink.

Segra Park is a CASHLESS venue and is a CLEAR BAG POLICY venue.

Call 803-726-4487 ext. 1 with questions or to inquire about Club Seating / Suites and food packages.

Please Note: Our rain date is July 5th, 2023 at the same times.


1704 Main Street, Suite 100
Columbia, SC 29201


Columbia Arts Academy to Perform at Carnegie Hall!

“How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

Excel as a student at Columbia Arts Academy!”


On Saturday, July 8th, music students from the Columbia Arts Academy will perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City! The performance begins at 1 p.m.  

The students are invited to perform one acoustic piece each. Regarding what kinds of music they will be tackling, founder Marty Fort says, “I’m very excited for the program. We’ve got performers from age 7 to 65 performing piano, violin, voice, guitar, drums, and it’s a real eclectic mix. We’re performing everything from Chopin to KISS and that says it all.” 

He goes on to say, “Admittedly I’m a little nervous to perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. Being from Columbia, starting out playing in Five Points at the age of 15 at Rockafellas and now being on that stage in New York City, it’s pretty surreal. But I’m thankful for the experience, the staff, teachers, students, and parents for all being a part. It’s a key part and perfect way to help our 20th Anniversary for Columbia Arts Academy”. 

This isn’t the first time Fort has taken his students on exciting excursions. In fact, it is becoming part of his modus operandi. In the past Fort has taken students on the road to such iconic music locations as Graceland, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and Columbia’s own Koger Center for the Arts.

Columbia Arts Academy Student and Faculty Performing at Graceland


Columbia Arts Academy Student Shane Manning Performing at Koger Center for the Arts

Screen capture of Metallica’s Kirk Hammett social media post — performing with (pictured) Columbia Arts Academy Founder Marty Fort at Columbia Museum of Art, 2020

Family, friends, and supporters of all kinds are encouraged to attend if they are able, and tickets are $25 each. For more information about the performance, what audiences can expect, and to purchase tickets, visit the Columbia Arts Academy website.  

And watch this space as Jasper continues to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Columbia Arts Academy in the weeks to come! To give back to the community, the school is hosting a special 20th Anniversary celebration Friday August 4th through Sunday August 6th. The public is welcome and encouraged to stop by any of their locations in Columbia on Rosewood Drive, Lexington on Barr Road, and Irmo on Lake Murray Blvd.


By Liz Stalker

Join Jasper's Al Black, Ginny Merrett, and Cindi Boiter for an Ekphrastic Poetry Event Sunday, July 9th

Al Black and his friends are generously reading their ekphrastic poetry about Ginny Merett’s Tall Women series in what Al calls “Poetry Church.” Meet us at the hallway: community art, 701 Whaley, from 2-4 July 9, 2023 for what will be a show highlight!

Artists include:

Songwriter, Alison Trotter

Songwriter , Alyssa Stewart

Poet, Janet Kozachek

Poet, Jane Zenger

Poet, Tamar Miles

Poet, Cindi Boiter

Poet, Michal Rubin

Poet, Jennifer Bartell

Poet, Kristine Hartivigsen

Announcing the Cast & Crew of Lonetta Thompson's THERAPY - Winner of the 2023 Jasper Project Play Right Series

It is with great pleasure that we announce the cast and crew of the Jasper Project’s 2023 Play Right Series Winning Play — THERAPY — by Lonetta Thompson!

Elena Martinez-Vidal — Director

Elena Martínez-Vidal is an actor, director, and teacher. Recently she was in Montgomery, in 2019. The last show she directed was Marjorie Prime in 2019. Trustus Theatre is her theatrical home since appearing in a show in 1989 when the theatre was on Assembly street. She was a Company member from 1993 to 2019, then transitioned to Company Emeritus. Elena has a BA in French and Theatre Arts from Dickinson College, PA, and an MFA in Theatre: Acting from USC. She also has 30 hours of courses in Communication and a Certificate of Leadership in Higher Education from USC. By day, Elena works at Midlands Technical College.

Dr. V — Marilyn Mattheus

Marilyn Matheus is a theatre artist who portrayed Modjeska Monteith Simkins in the Supper Table theatrical performance. Matheus received her BA from Kent University and her MA from South University. She is currently the Director of Media Relations at the Department of Social Services in Columbia. Matheus has appeared in many local theatre productions with recent performances in the “Freedom Rings: A Celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.” event at the University of South Carolina and A Song for Coretta at the Kershaw County Fine Arts Center

Alex — Allison Allgood

 Allison Allgood has a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts from Furman University and loves stage and voice acting.  Some of her favorite roles in Columbia include MacBeth (Second Witch) with the SC Shakespeare Company, The Red Velvet Cake War (Elsa Dowdall) at Town Theatre, Belles (Audrey) at Workshop Theatre, and Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Play (Jenny/Bart) at Trustus Theatre.  Allison has recorded eight full-length audio books.  She has a degree in counseling and works as a high school counselor

Chris — Ric Edward (Richard Edward III)

Richard Edward iii is a stage & screen actor based in Columbia, South Carolina. It is his mission to help his artistic community grow, and is an advocate for actors who struggle with the stigma of dyslexia, and ADHD. Special thanks to My daughter Cora Jean Calk for being the best scene partner in the whole world, and to my beautiful wife.

Not Pictured — Michelle Jacobs- Is excited to be performing again after a small hiatus. Credits includes: The Color Purple, Kinky Boots ,Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, (Workshop Theater), Hurricane Diane, By the Way Meet Vera Stark, Good People, The Motherfucker with the Hat, The Glass Menagerie, HAIR: The Tribal Love-Rock Musical, For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide/ when the Rainbow is Enuf, (Trustus Theater) Knock Me A Kiss, Henny Penny, & Whisper @ The Movies (The NiA Company).

Playwright — Lonetta Thompson

Lonetta Thompson is a graduate of the University of South Carolina with a B. A. in English and a Minor in Theatre. As an actor, she has performed for years on stages in Columbia and surrounding cities, most recently touring with Spark, an Outreach initiative of the SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities in partnership with Workshop Theatre of South Carolina. She is a member of the NiA Company and Company Emeritus with Trustus Theatre.  Prior to entering the Play Right Series, she had written a handful of short stories and one other script. By day, Lonetta is an eLearning Developer with a large insurance company. She has one daughter and one grandson.

Stage Manager — Emily Deck Harrill

Emily has played a variety of roles in many theatrical productions in the Columbia area. She appeared in Love, Loss, and What I Wore and the 2014 production of Evil Dead: The Musical, both at Trustus Theater. She also appeared in The Crucible (Elizabeth Proctor), Inherit the Wind, Arsenic and Old Lace, You Can’t Take It with You, and The Exonerated (Sunny Jacobs) for the Arts at Shandon series. Emily has directed and appeared in Smoke and Mirrors and All in the Timing. She designed the sound for Village Square Theater’s production of Harvey, and she’s served as Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager for a variety of productions over the years, including Trustus Theater’s production of The Flick and Chapin Theater’s 2022 Ten Minute Play Festival.  

By day, Emily is an attorney who has a terrible penchant for run-on sentences. She holds a double undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree in theatre and government from the College of William and Mary. She has two adult children of whom she is quite proud.

Play Right Series Director — Jon Tuttle

Also …

Max — Michelle Jacob — photo and bio coming soon!

You’re invited to be an integral part of this project by becoming a Community Producer — Read more about the perks and fun of community producing here!

Ready, Set, Jasper’s Play Right Series is Ready to GO! We Just Need YOU!

Following on the heels of a super-successful 2022 season when the Jasper Project’s Play Right Series launched first-time playwright Colby Quick’s Moon Swallower onto the stage with a highly sophisticated staged reading directed by Chad Henderson last summer, we’re excited to kick off the winning 2023 Play Right Series selection of Lonetta Thompson’s THERAPY!

The cast and crew are on their marks, the rehearsal hall is reserved, and the schedule is set—we just need to recruit a few more Community Producers to be able to wave the starting flag.

Are YOU the Community Producer we’ve been looking for?

What is the Play Right Series?

In an effort to enlighten and empower audiences with information about the process involved in creating theatrical arts, at the same time that we increase opportunities for SC theatre artists to create and perform new works, the Jasper Project created the Play Right Series.

The purpose of the Play Right Series is to allow a select group of volunteers insider views of the process of creating theatre art by offering limited open readings, rehearsals, and discussions of theatrical work. We can also offer folks the opportunity to actually PRODUCE A PLAY by keeping production costs low and involving community assets already in place, in exchange for an established minimal financial contribution of $250.

This also increases opportunities for theatre artists to create and participate in new art without being attached to an existing theatre organization, while providing affordable and experimental theatre experiences for new and emerging artists and their audiences; thereby expanding cultural literacy and theatre arts appreciation throughout the SC Midlands.

How does this work?

Every Sunday afternoon in July 2023, starting July 9th, you are invited to join with the cast, crew, and fellow Community Producers of Therapy for an enlightening and entertaining session that pulls back the curtains of theatre development and illuminates how a stage play goes from page to stage. Your first session will offer you a private viewing of the first step in any play production, the Table Reading – this will be the first time the cast of Therapy reads their parts together for their director, Elena Martinez-Vidal.

Subsequent sessions will focus on essential ingredients in the production of a successful staged reading, such as the stage manager’s job; props, lighting, blocking, and sound; unique insights from the director; how the actors prepare for their parts; playwright perceptions from this year and past projects; and an invitation to the dress rehearsal. In addition to your invitation to gather with the cast and crew every Sunday in July, each session will also feature exciting snacks and beverages. And many more surprises each week!

Finally, you’ll take your reserved, best-in-the-house seats to a ticketed staged reading of Lonetta Thompson’s Therapy on Sunday, August 6th.

And there’s more.

Your name will be included as a Community Producer on programs, posters, press releases, and other promotional materials as well as in the perfect bound book, Therapy by Lonetta Thompson, published by Muddy Ford Press and registered with the Library of Congress, and you will take home your own copies of Therapy as a souvenir of your experience.


What is expected of Community Producers?

We hope you can make it to every exciting Sunday afternoon meeting, but we understand if you have to miss some. Each session will last from 90 – 120 minutes.

The financial commitment for a Community Producer is a minimum of $250 per person, but institutional sponsorships are also available and appreciated. You can also sponsor a student for $250 if you are unable to participate yourself.

Our hope is that you will be so enlightened and inspired by this experience that you will become a diplomat of live theatre, fresh playwrights, and the Jasper Project and encourage your friends and colleagues to participate in live theatre themselves!

If you are interested in becoming a

Community Producer or sponsor -
