Join Jasper's Al Black, Ginny Merrett, and Cindi Boiter for an Ekphrastic Poetry Event Sunday, July 9th

Al Black and his friends are generously reading their ekphrastic poetry about Ginny Merett’s Tall Women series in what Al calls “Poetry Church.” Meet us at the hallway: community art, 701 Whaley, from 2-4 July 9, 2023 for what will be a show highlight!

Artists include:

Songwriter, Alison Trotter

Songwriter , Alyssa Stewart

Poet, Janet Kozachek

Poet, Jane Zenger

Poet, Tamar Miles

Poet, Cindi Boiter

Poet, Michal Rubin

Poet, Jennifer Bartell

Poet, Kristine Hartivigsen