ARTIST PROFILE: Paul Moore and Congaree Pottery

An artist of few words, Paul Moore’s medium of choice is earth.

“It’s old, but it’s versatile,” he says.

JASPER: When did you first begin to pursue visual art? Where and when did you train, or are you self-taught?

 MOORE: I was lucky to have opportunities as a child to create at home, even before elementary school. A beginning pottery class at the City of Columbia Art Center in 2003 was my introduction to ceramics.


JASPER: What mediums in visual arts do you typically use and why?

 MOORE: Earth. It’s old but versatile.


JASPER: Where do you work now and where do you show your work?

 MOORE: Mostly at Southern Pottery Studio.


JASPER: Who have been your greatest influences as an artist?

 MOORE: My parents and my 5th Grade art teacher, Mrs. Norris.


JASPER: What do you feel makes your art unique?

 MOORE: My eyes. My hands.


JASPER: Who is your favorite SC-based visual artist and why?

 MOORE: Dianne Gilbert. She creates with joy.


JASPER:  What are you working on now, will w get to see it, and if so, where, and when?

MOORE: Ending the “Congaree Swamp” carved series. At the Cottontown Art Crawl of course!