This week's Poet of the People is Xavier Khalil.
A few months ago, Xavier showed up at Cool Beans for Mind Gravy, he sat quietly in the back, eventually, he shared on open mic and kept coming back for more. He made friends with the regulars and felt confident enough to have his own 30 minute feature.
Xavier is a kind and passionate poet with a voice that needs to be heard and I am blessed to have him in my creative life.
~Al Black
Xavier Khalil is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. He has been involved in the arts from the age of 8; participating in oratorical contests in elementary school. He moved to Beaufort, South Carolina to receive better education opportunities and lived with many family members while attending high school. Creative writing has been a lifelong hobby for Xavier, and more recently has found his love for poetry in 2023. The 22-year old's poetry reflects the essence of the Black queer experiences surrounding themes of spirituality, love, activism, and life's quarrels with grief and addiciton. These passions are further extended in Xavier's work through his podcast Choosing Joy and various social media platforms where he constantly advocates for humanity. He is an alumnus of the University South Caolina Aiken where he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Communicaiton with a minor in Sociology. Currently Xavier is working on his Master in Higher Education and Student Affairs degree at the University of South Carolina in Columbia."
“Meet Me”
Meet me at the coffee shop
Across the street from the Horseshoe –
Park by the meter
And, I’ll meet you at 2
This scene fits us
Is there an us?
Is it too early to discuss?
Maybe an idea we both want
I trust.
No matter I just want you –
I mean be with you –
I mean experience you –
I just enjoy your company
Is all
How we engage
In conversation
And swoon as each other talks
Its cute
How we banter
Going on about psychology
(Stanza 5)
Sociology, biology
Theology, geography
Whew its…
And did you say
You be the R&B
To my neo-soul
You go On & On
Like Erykah’s songs
Making my soul glo
You’re “Golden” boy
Like Jill
Caught constantly
Giving me the feels
And chills and thrills
From Black history
To Mariah vs Whitney
Singin’ lil songs
Hearing you, “Say My Name”
Can we admit we’re
(Stanza 9)
The Children of Destiny?
After this please
Let there be more
Don’t let it end
Once you close your car door
After this
Come see me
Not in my visions or dreams
Comes see me, physically
Come see me, again, spiritually
Strip me emotionally
Nigga come see about me!
And allow me to be naked – fully
Sorry, if that’s too much
If, it was too strong
I’m sorry
I promise I wont do any wrong
Don’t run, please…
I’ll just be your friend
I know that love’s too scary
And we don’t want this to end
(Stanza 13)
So, I’ll just be your friend
May the love of our bond
Grow true
And organic
But until then…
Meet me at the coffee shop
Across the street from the Horseshoe
Park by the meter on Monday
And I’ll meet you at 2.
"Bridges and Railroads"
Driving across the Broad River Bridge
It’s so different now
So the same
So opposite simultaneously
Chocolate neighborhoods
Replaced by golf courses
Shops for mommas and poppas
No replaced by corporations
Because they bought someone
Thanks to high taxation
Chocolate faces
Moved to other chocolate places
Across the bridge – 2 or 3 –
On the other side of train tracks
2 or 3
Only for suited giants
To do it again
Killing off the wildlife
Destroying their land
Mossy, ancestral trees
No care for the significance
Removing black bodies
Further from themselves
Because you pull them
By the root
It’s now deer season
But the bullets aren’t hitting
The right young Buck.
The shooter is jailed
While the true hunter
Mounts the bodies on the walls
Using the black bodies
And the brown/red skin
As rugs and mink coats
As you dwell in a home
Erected in a plot of land
That was once their own
Ignorance of the beautiful
Culture and bodies that inhabit
Are encouraged
Looked at as anomalies
Oddities of black magic
and spirituality
Not realizing
These beings are
Slowly being ostracized
Tantalized by outsiders
Who see their existence
As profit
And the lost minds
Haven’t a clue of what to do
About it.
Shoved into obscurity
In massive fish tanks
Of barren yards
And unstable mobile homes
Chocolate people
Are losing their way.
In their home
Didn’t think I’d see the day.
“Brown Boys Feel Fluorescent”
I make you feel like
A white boy?
Some safety
You adore from me?
I validate you
And give you innate freedom
In tandem
Denying myself that same
The right to exist
And be cherished
For the humanity
In your brown body
I make you feel
Like a white boy
Brown boy
I cherish
You make me feel like
Like a spirit
You make me feel like
Like a spirit
So big
Free and confined
You give me space to be wild
You to have grand emotions
To obsess
To express
Display feelings
Be passionate
But, in making
Me feel my spirit
Makes me feel
Trapped in this human experience
I inherited
This one that you hardly
This body you barely
This figure
That houses the very spirit
You freed
I make you feel
Like a white boy?
Not spoiled, but entitled –
You make feel like –
Like a spirit
Not holy; certainly not evil
Just too free
Too astral
You only see that
The reinforcement of
Not giving a human connection
I am guilty for this
I am merely a reflection
Of how you view
What is perfected
So in making you
Feel like a white boy
You make me feel like Spirit
-easily neglected-
Picking and choosing
When to feel my presence
Yearning for me
But so displeased by
Your imperfection
My love you constantly
reject it
Oddly, I cannot be mad
At you
Because seeing my spirit
Means the “white boy”
In you wants to protect
Protect my pride
Protect my freedom
Protect my ambiguity
My duality
Protect me from your truth
Protect my vibrant spirit
From being dimmed by you
Brown boy
Blue bird
Look at your reflection
In the river
Let the water cleanse your feet
It’s not whiteness you feel
It’s a freedom you’ve been denied
The freedom that heals
A freedom I had no clue
I could even give
As I look
My spirit
Shines outside this skin
It glows outwardly
And vibrates through me
Standing parallel
Across the street
We a re on
You and me
Living separately
The Spirit you see
In me
Is shared
We share it with Thee
So, I thank you
Thank you for helping me to see
Brown boy I made feel safe
Thank you for recognizing
My grandness
The protection
The freedom
The privilege I afforded
It didn’t make you feel “white”
It finally made things
Feel to a degree
And you important
Hand to hearts
Eye to eye
Soul to soul
Brown boys make
each other feel free
protected and safe
Brown boys dance
In the dark
In the nighttime
Becoming jovial
Transcends them
To fluorescence
Brown boys made
Each other feel like glowing
Bright, white
I never made you
Feel like a white boy
I simply made you feel your spirit, too.
“It’s Foggy Outside”
It’s foggy outside
In these times
There are blurred lines
Where cars and worlds
It’s cold and wet
Out here
Be careful
Don’t slip
The weather makers are
Praying on your downfall
Our downfall
If you will
They want hit and runs
They want blame
They want pointing fingers
Stinging scars and burns
Cause by their flames
It’s foggy outside
Be careful walking
Through these low clouds
Be careful stalking
For your next meal
Stay low to ground
Look out for your neighbor
Don’t hurt each other on your prowl
In these times
Wanting to thrive
What a luxury to be
Right now we just survive
Until the sun dies
Behind the rain clouds
The sun still shines
But the time we once had
Is no longer on our side
Its of essence
And its precious
As the fog children
Walking in the midst
Of a global depression
It’s cold
It’s foggy
It’s rainy
It’s nasty
Barely sunny
It’s the time slipping
Down the road
And through our fingers
Please feel the hope
The faith
That still lingers
Don’t be fooled by
The occasional peak
Of sun during dark day time
Don’t let the warm day time
Dry up your inside
Don’t let confusion make
Your temperature rise
Be looking out the window
Because its foggy outside