Temple Ligon and Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-vingts Jours -- via Jasper

On Wednesday, our friend and future Jasper contributor John Temple Ligon launches his interpretation of Phileas Fogg's fictional journey around the world in 80 days. Temple is being as true to Fogg's intentions as sanity will allow, going so far as to forgo air travel -- hot air balloons not being what they used to, and all.

We'll be seeing Temple off as he leaves from Columbia's version of the Reform Club on Wednesday evening at 6 pm to travel to Florence, SC where he will journey via Amtrak to New York City's not-what-it-used-to-be Penn Station. While in New York, Temple will pay homage to some of our namesake's art before he boards the Queen Victoria on Friday, March 16th.

While we are no The Morning Chronicle, we have invited our intrepid wanderer to keep Jasper posted of his adventures first hand. As we await his missives however we, like the rest of the world, will be following his sojourn via the miracle of technology.

You can do so as well by visiting the website for the Wren Institute for Urban Research.

Bon Voyage, Temple.

(And best of luck finding your Princess Aouda.)

~~ Jasper