Columbia Classical Ballet presents Life Chance 2025 under the direction of Joseph Phillips!

It’s the time of year true ballet lovers eagerly wait for — LifeChance, a one-of-a-kind multi-dancer, multi-company performance so unique that dancers from all over the world clammer to claim their spots on the stage — is coming up on Saturday March 15th at 7":30 at the Koger Center for the Arts!

Columbia Classical Ballet has produced the unique dance benefit gala, LifeChance, to raise awareness and funds for a wide variety of charitable causes for over two and a half decades. LifeChance was originally created by Columbia Classical Ballet Founder Radenko Pavlovich, with the very first LifeChance benefitting the war-torn children of Bosnia, during their troubling conflict over two and a half decades ago! The LifeChance gala brings together some of the best dancers in the world, to share their gifts through a one-night only live performance at the Koger Center for the performing Arts in Columbia, South Carolina.

This year, under the direction of Columbia native, Joseph Phillips, the performance promises to be better than ever. Among the dancers performing are from the American Ballet Theatre, Léa Fleytoux, Jarod Curley, Elisabeth Beyer, and Takumi Miyaki. From San Francisco Ballet, Sasha Mukhamedov and Ruben Citores, and from Ballet Eloelle Grandiva, one of the few all-male comedic dance companies in the world, Walter Battistini and Jonathan Mendez. Joining these stellar performers will be Sakura Oka, previously of Columbia City Ballet, as well as the current company of Columbia Classical Ballet. However, with so many world class international dancers eager to perform in this renown performance, there’s no telling who the audience might find on stage!

As part of Columbia Classical Ballet’s greater mission of outreach, community involvement, and exposure to the artform of ballet, LifeChance gala tickets, like the company’s regular season program tickets, are offered at a fraction of what they would otherwise cost.

Columbia Classical Ballet is excited to welcome Joseph Phillips as its new Artistic Director. Phillips, a celebrated international dancer and choreographer, returns to his hometown of Columbia, S.C., to lead the company into a new era of artistic excellence and dancer development. He assumes the position following the recent departure of former Artistic Director Brooklyn Mack, who replaced Pavlovich a few years before.​

Often referred to as “the Golden Boy of Ballet” due to his winning more Gold Medals in prestigious international competitions than any American male danseur, Phillips brings a wealth of experience and acclaim to the role. He has graced the stages of renowned companies such as San Francisco Ballet, Miami City Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, Ballet Manilla, and Mariinsky Ballet, Primorsky Stage, where he became one of the few American dancers to ever achieve the rank of principal dancer. He is also widely recognized as an esteemed teacher and choreographer, and currently serves as Artistic Director of El Camino Ballet.​

Deeply rooted in Columbia, where his journey in dance began, Phillips' first ballet school was Columbia Ballet School under the tutelage of Anita Ashley. His first male ballet teacher, Anthony Hampton, a South Carolina native, instilled in him the belief that ballet is for everyone, regardless of gender. His passion for ballet blossomed further when he performed in his first Nutcracker with the Columbia Music Festival Association. He continued to hone his craft, training with Stanislav Issaev at the esteemed South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities in Greenville, South Carolina. Throughout his career, Phillips has maintained a strong connection to his home state, notably as a guest artist with South Carolina Ballet. Over the past two decades, he has also continued to work with the Columbia Music Festival Association, Columbia Ballet School, and Carolina Ballet.​

"I'm excited to bridge my work with El Camino Ballet and Columbia Classical Ballet, creating opportunities for both companies to expand their reach and share their artistry," saysPhillips. "I envision bringing the unique creations of Columbia Classical Ballet to the West Coast, showcasing the talent and creativity that thrives in my hometown."​

"I'm honored to return to my roots and lead Columbia Classical Ballet into its next chapter," says Phillips. "Columbia holds a special place in my heart, and I'm deeply committed to nurturing the talents of our dancers and creating a company that is a source of pride for Columbia and a vibrant contributor to the international dance community."​

In recognition of his contributions to the arts, Joseph Phillips has been awarded ‘THE KEY TO THE CITY,’ declaring July 17 as Joseph Phillips Day in Columbia, South Carolina.

Cabaret Night at Columbia Classical Ballet

Last Sunday night, the dance contingency of Jasper Magazine was delighted to be hosted by Columbia Classical Ballet at their annual Cabaret Night at 701 Whaley. It was an evening of food, drink, a live auction, and art -- a great way to spend a Sunday night. (We also popped in for the end of Jasper's Wet Ink Poetry Series, hosted by Kendal Turner at the Jasper Studios at the Arcade, and then moved down the block to The Whig for a free concert by the (fabulous) Mobros -- a young band with pretty spectacular talent.) But by far, the best part of the night at the ballet was getting a sneak peek of the ballet company assembled this year by Radenko Pavlovich, artistic director of Columbia Classical Ballet. The company performed a half-dozen or so numbers with dances that ranged from the appropriate opening cabaret number -- a happy performance that included what looked to be a massive full company -- to a classy little tango number in black featuring principal dancer Lauren Frere. Frere's tango, which alternated between being flirtatious, sexy, and classy -- as any good tango should do -- was an excellent way of demonstrating this beautiful dancer's port de bras and extension.

The company, as-a-whole, performed admirably given the newness of the season, the atypical performance space (a marley-covered concrete floor), and obvious difficulties with the sound system.

Jasper looks forward to their coming season: La Bayadere on October 13th, featuring Brooklyn Mack; the Nutcracker , Lifechance in January, and then a reprisal of last season's Swan Lake.

Lifechance: A Sumptuous, Masculine Meal

I won’t call this a review, because I believe reviews should be written by people who have expertise in the art form being commented upon. That said, I would like, from the perspective of a lay person who adores watching dance performances, to comment on Columbia Classical Ballet’s 2012 Lifechance International Ballet Gala of the Stars on January 21 at the Koger Center. I’ve attended several Lifechance performances in past years, and they’ve always been crowd-pleasers. The 2012 performance, too, brought people to their feet. It was different, however, from what I’ve personally experienced in the past for a couple of reasons. Most dramatic for me from the start was the eclecticism demonstrated by this year’s dance and choreographic talent.

The very first number, titled “Tryptych,” dramatically showcased the perhaps unexpected modern dance proclivities of Columbia Classical Ballet company members. Stark, minimalist costumes and set allowed the audience to focus exclusively on the performers themselves as they moved in ways that were rather un-Swan-Lake-like yet mesmerizingly fresh and sometimes quirky. I don’t know whether the dancers’ movements were supposed to be synchronized. They were not, and I do not know whether that was intended. I would have like to see more unison and tightness in this one company performance. In this particular number, there may have been too many dancers on stage at once or they did not have adequate time to rehearse because, even given the free-form, stream-of consciousness nature of the genre, it came across as a bit confused and, dare I say, kind of clunky. Ordinarily, I very much enjoy modern dance, but this number, choreographed by Rick McCullough, failed to deliver for me personally, though I applaud its inventiveness.

(Editor's Note:  Jasper loves a teachable moment. What Kristine witnessed when she wasn't sure "whether the dancers’ movements were supposed to be synchronized," is called a canon.  A canon is a choreographic form that reflects the musical form of the same name in which individuals and groups perform the same movement phrase beginning at different times. Canons can be confusing, particularly to the untrained eye -- which Kristine is very forthcoming in her claim to have. In retrospect, it turns out that the Columbia Classical Ballet Company was performing the piece to the specifications of the choreographer after all.)

By far, the performances I enjoyed the most occurred in the second half of the show. Call me sentimental, but my personal favorite was “The Man I Love” from George Balanchine’s “Who Cares?” Lauren Fadeley Veyette and Ian Hussey of the Pennsylvania Ballet were absolutely breathtaking to watch and exhibited a truly believable romantic chemistry along with beautifully precise movements. I really could not take my eyes off this dazzling couple.

Of course, Classical Ballet principal dancers Lauren Frere and Ivan Popov are among my favorite dancers to watch locally. Popov exudes a lovely balance of passion and professional polish. Every time he dances, I can imagine how much joy he gives and receives in performing. And without fail, the willowy Frere makes what must be rigorous appear effortless. I’ve never seen her when she did not exhibit perfection. Together, Popov and Frere were elegant and enchanting in “Somewhere in Time,” which was beautifully choreographed by Simone Cuttino.

Another unexpected element to this year’s Lifechance performance was the plethora of amazing male dancers. This truly was a show that allowed the men to shine. In my experience, it’s almost always been about the women with the men in supporting, almost wallpaper-like roles. Not so on this night. Everyone eagerly anticipated the return of Elgin native Brooklyn Mack to the Columbia stage. Mack, who first studied under company Director Radenco Pavlovich and has been with the Washington Ballet for two years now, delivered stunning athleticism and grace in appearances that seemed a little too brief for me. I really wanted to see more, but what Mack gave, he gave 100 percent. When Mack leaps, he seems literally suspended in the air for longer than usual before landing flawlessly and flowing into his next visual passage. It is such a treat to watch Brooklyn Mack dance for any length of time.

Another notable male performer was Columbia Classical Ballet soloist Willie Moore of Columbia. When he is on the stage, he rather steals the show with his riveting presence and lightning quick execution, from the unbounded energy of his leaps to the stunning speed of his spins. Moore always delivers an exhilarating performance. I also enjoyed watching male company members Hiroyuki Nagasawa and Oleksandr Vykhrest. It’s completely irrelevant, but on this night, I noticed that, on stage and from a distance, Vykhrest looks a tad like the actor Alec Baldwin (just saying).

One of the biggest surprises of the evening, however, was Chong Sun of the Washington Ballet, who took the stage by storm in a contemporary montage of drama, acrobatics, speed, and captivating showmanship. According to the program, Sun will be Columbia Classical Ballet’s newest member next season. I can’t wait to see more from this talented young man.

Aside from delivering some of the finest dance performances of the year to Columbia, Lifechance first and foremost is a charity event, this year benefitting the Harvest Hope Food Bank − a great cause in a difficult economy that has increased demand for food bank resources to new levels. Lifechance was a welcome feast that ably satisfied a city’s cultural appetite while helping stave off hunger of another kind.

Kristine Hartvigsen is the associate editor of Jasper Magazine - The Word on Columbia Arts.

For more of Kristine, read her article on Stephen Chesley, her poem Horizontal Hold, and her review of artist Lindsay Wiggins.

Contact Kristine at

Brooklyn Mack -- Dancing Saturday Night at Lifechance

I'm sure my kids hate it when I reference their younger days in blog posts and lectures and the like, and every time I do, I'm aware that they may be uncomfortable. But then I remember how much we spoiled them when they were small and I decide, screw it, they can take one for the team. This is one of those times.

When Annie and Bonnie were little girls and they temporarily left Columbia City Ballet's junior company to dance for and learn from Radenko Pavlovich's Columbia Classical Ballet, (I say temporarily because Bonnie is back at City now and Annie stopped dancing in high school), there was this amazingly sweet boy who had also just come to dance there who we all immediately fell in love with.

His name was Brooklyn Mack.

Brooklyn was tall and shy and, to be honest, less than graceful, and his feet seemed to get in the way of his dancing. He had a smile that was almost too big for his face and he sometimes seemed to try to hide it when he was tickled by something someone said or did.

All the kids there were young and raw,  and despite their parents opinions -- mine included -- there didn't appear to be any world-class dancers chasing one another around the studios at Pavlovich's, or popping down the walkway to buy and share cheesy bread from Little Caesar's Pizza.

But there was Brooklyn. At 12, not yet well-trained or even very talented, but with a degree of determination that made all the other kids pale. Over and over he would endure Pavlovich's not-always-gentle corrections. "Point your bah-nah-nahs! Point your bah-nah-nahs!" Pavlovich would scream at the boy in his Serbian accent to point his quite large toes and feet.

Brooklyn would internalize his corrections without letting them beat him down. Like most ballet instructors who frequently question the self-worth of the individuals in their tutelage, Pavlovich showed no mercy to Brooklyn -- which was fine, because Brooklyn didn't want it. Though sensitive and kind, he was tough. And even as a boy, he demonstrated the kind of integrity that made me feel that it was an honor to call him a friend of our family.

Brooklyn didn't stay long at Pavlovich's. Radenko has a reputation for wisely sending his talented students on to study elsewhere and he did so with Brooklyn, as well. After just a few years he felt Brooklyn was ready to move on so he made arrangements for the still young boy to move to Washington, DC and attend the Kirov Ballet Academy. On full scholarship. When Brooklyn graduated from the Kirov, he got a choice position dancing with the American Ballet Theatre's second company. And he traveled. He traveled literally all over the world dancing in Asia and Europe and South America, and competing in competitions where he rarely left without a medal around his neck. (He made the cover of Dance Europe in 2009 and was just named by Dance Magazine as one of 25 young dancers to watch in 2012.) He finally landed at Washington Ballet three years ago where he dances in a troupe of extraordinarily gifted dancers.

And this weekend, Brooklyn is traveling back to Columbia where he will dance once again for his mentor and with the company that gave him his start. I cannot recommend enough that you go see the Lifechance Ballet Gala this Saturday night at the Koger Center. I wrote a little ditty on it for Free Times here, where you'll find most of the info you need to know to go.

What you'll see will be an exciting night of some of the best, most athletic, most inspiring ballet you will have seen in quite some time, both from Brooklyn and his colleagues. But look closely when the young man finishes his dances -- he doesn't try to hide his smile as much any more -- and I think he learned a long time ago that his integrity shines through no matter what.