Jasper to give the Jasper Pick Award at Change for Change for the meter art that best embodies the spirit of Jasper

Jasper loves sustainability, whimsy, being smart, and art -- so we're pretty crazy about -- and thrilled to be a part of -- Tuesday evening's Change for Change 2011 Project!

Change for Change is a public art installation exhibition project that benefits the Climate Protection Action Campaign (CPAC) in which defunct City of Columbia Parking Meters were retrofitted with new posts and bases, then re-purposed as pieces of public -- or potentially private -- art.

You can read more about Change for Change here or, even better, get yourself a nice deal on a ticket by clicking here.

We're especially excited because, in addition to the awarding of the prize for the best meter -- chosen by a panel of esteemed judges, Jasper will also be giving away our first ever arts award -- the Jasper Pick Award* for the meter art that most embodies the spirit of Jasper -- think freshness and optimism, integrity and being on the forefront of new arts growth.

Hope to see you tomorrow night from 5:30 - 8:30 at 701 Whaley for art, drinks, food, intelligence and a grand old time. Then be sure to turn to Jasper #3 on January 12th for photos of the winning meters and bios of the artists.



*(Stay tuned to hear about two more awards we'll be presenting in the coming months.)



Change is Good

Change is always good, but at no time is it better than when it benefits both the arts and humanity at the same time.

WACH TV, in conjunction with the City of Columbia and a whole slew of other partners, is once again sponsoring Change for Change, a community art project which benefits Columbia's Climate Protection Action Campaign. After having raised more than $7000 last year, this year's Change for Change campaign is bigger and better than ever. The brainchild of WACH TV's Kacey Liles and the City of Columbia's CPAP guru Mary Pay Baldauf, Change for Change recycles out-of-service parking meters, via the artistic sensibilities of some of Columbia's most innovative artists, and the result is public art that ranges from the whimsical to the intentionally scary.

Part of the Jasper crew had the opportunity to join WACH TV's Kristin Morris for coffee last week and we got the low-down on this year's campaign which kicks off this week with a preview from 5:30 until 8:30 on Wednesday night, October 19th, at anastasia & FRIENDS gallery at 1534 Main Street. At least six brand new recycled meters will be on hand as well as several of last year's favorites. According to Kristin, who acts as artist liaison, "I was literally overwhelmed by the talent last year, and we expect this year to be even better."

On the organizational side of the project, a few things have changed. For one thing, participating artists will recoup 10% of the proceeds of the sale of their creations. "We hope that will at least help to offset some of their expenses," Kristin explains.

The Wednesday night event will feature new work by Anastasia Chernoff, Paul Kaufmann, Matt Kramer, Katherine Elliott, Sammy Lopez, and James Lalumondier. Music will be provided by C. Neil Scott & Matt "Musician X" Falter - Sax & Drums/Percussion Duet. And from 8 until 8:30 the gallery will revisit last week's über - successful Black Light, Black Night -- An Ultraviolet Light Experience party for those who missed it on First Thursday.

But Wednesday night is when the fun is just beginning. Artists may still pick up parking meter canvasses and have plenty of time to prep them for the big show which will take place on December 20th at 701 Whaley. Meters and posts will be available Wednesday night. For more information go to http://www.midlandsconnect.com/changeforchange.

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