Two & A Different Reality at Anastasia & Friends Thursday night

War House by Steven Coolidge

November’s opening at Anastasia & Friends will be a group exhibition called “Two” combined with a book signing reception for Columbia's beloved Dr. Fredric Mau’s latest book, “A Different Reality.” 

“Two” will feature a combination of painting, sculpture and mixed media created by artists who've never shown at Anastasia & Friends. Each artist will feature two selected works. We're excited to feature the works of Khris Coolidge, Dylan Fouste, Art Gomez, Stephanie Keel, Richard Lund, Lisa Puryear, Dave Robbins and Steven White will be featured in this special exhibition. Our opening reception will take place on Thursday, November 6th, from 6pm-9pm, as a part of the First Thursday on Main art crawl.

Dr. Fredric Mau will read some excerpts from his fascinating new book, “A Different Kind of Reality” and be on hand to autograph copies of his book, which will be available for sale.

Dr. Fredric Mau is a Columbia therapist with an international reputation. He was recognized by his peers with the HypnoScience award for research advancing the profession at the Internationala Hypnosaekongress in Zürich, Switzerland in 2013, and will return to speak there again this month. Mau is a frequent, engaging presenter at professional conferences in the U.S. and abroad. He brings a decade of successful clinical work and his own examples of life-changing conversations with clients to this book.“The book originates with the metaphors I use to help people change the way they experience stress at a core emotional level. Then I added some frank commentary on how they work to help people change. But the book takes on life and color through the examples of change conversations. There really is power in the stories we tell ourselves, and everyone can see it in this book.” Fredric Mau

The exhibition will run from November 6th through December 1st. Anastasia & Friends art gallery is located at 1534 Main Street, in the front of the Free Times’ building, just across the street from the Columbia Museum of Art and is open Monday – Friday, from 9am-5pm. For more information, contact Anastasia Chernoff at 803 665 6902 or -- Anastasia Chernoff