Draw Jasper

Win YOUR SPOT on the Cover of Jasper Magazine!

Have you always wondered what Jasper would look like if Jasper was a real living and breathing entity? Would they have purple hair and sexy eyes or be bald and bodacious? Would they have a big nose and bigger ears, bowed legs or knocked knees? Hairy arms? A shiny grill? Now you can let your imagination run wild as you create an image of Jasper as you see them!

The winning entry will score the coveted spot as the Cover Artist for the Fall 2022 issue of Jasper Magazine as well as a $250 cash prize.

All accepted images will be included in the Draw Jasper Art Show and available for purchase at the artist-designated price, with the artists receiving 75% of the sale price and 25% going toward the publication of Jasper Magazine.

Entry Requirements

  • Photos or scans of the original artwork should be emailed to JasperProjectColumbia@gmail.com no later than August 15, 2022 DEADLINE EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 9TH! and should include your name, contact info, and the price point for your original art. The original art will be exhibited in the Draw Jasper Art Show.

  • Emailed images should be 8.5x11” and high-resolution (ideally at least 300 dpi and in CMYK).

  • The original art should not exceed 8.5 x 11 inches and there should be space allowed for the masthead along the top or bottom of the image.

  • Any medium is allowed as long as the original is 2-D.

  • Jasper may be depicted full-length, as a portrait, or anything in between.

  • Finalists will be notified by September 1, 2022 and details of the Draw Jasper Art Show will be announced then.