Meet Mark Green, Jasper Photo Editor

You’ve seen his face, and you’ve seen his work. Photographer Mark Green is one of the stalwart fixtures of the Columbia arts scene who seems to take an interest in all things art – not just his own genre.  A native of South Carolina, Mark left the state at the age of 18 to explore the world, traveling through Europe and living for periods in LA and Portland, Oregon. Luckily, he finally came home. Mark has collaborated with a number of local artists and most recently showed his photograph's of Bohumila Augustinova's amazing copper fashion creations at Frame of Mind during the August First Thursday on Main Street. He has an extensive portfolio.

Mark has been married to Diane Hare for nine years. They live in happy chaos with their three cats.

Of his new post as photo editor for Jasper Magazine, Mark says, “I am excited to be working with such a creative and dynamic group.”

Jasper is happy to be working with Mark, too.

See Mark's face below, and below that, check out some of  his work featuring one of Jasper's favorite models (wink, wink.)