A Bit of Introspection through Keith Tolen’s New Exhibition


“Who am I?” 

That’s the question Keith Tolen poses and hopes to answer in his newest exhibition at Stormwater Studios. In an introspective body of work like this, the process of creating each piece relies on the soul and spirit of the artist. Tolen is no stranger to exhibiting his work, as his Stormwater residency is the second of the summer and third of the whole year. A prime example of the sheer talent that resides in the Midlands, Tolen’s methods of creating artwork result in awe-inspiring pieces that stay with audiences for a long time.

With the constant stream of unprecedented events that inevitably affect our day-to-day lives, these particular pieces allow Tolen to maintain a sense of control that effectively functions as a means of catharsis. It also serves as a welcome challenge for Keith. 

“The fact of the matter is that this is very hard,” Tolen says when asked about the difficulty that comes with making art that analyzes himself or his emotions, “In most cases, I usually gravitate to images that attempt to tell stories. Creating art that is personal is still a struggle for me.” 

His role as an artist impacts the community as well; Tolen’s role in the art world of Columbia allows him to spend time around the positive energy of other creative minds which only brings him more joy: “My journey has been rich with color, full of imagination, and a constant search through the joys of life.” 

The spark of inspiration needed to get the creativity flowing started with a simple dot. “The dots are currently both my inspiration and fascination,” Tolen shares, “I enjoy the process of making them. I like working with colors and by using the dots, I am able to see how colors act and react with each other.” 

This natural flow of making art causes immense joy in the act of creating within Tolen and helps propel the narratives of his work even further. Everything about creating a new artwork excites him, even if it’s not himself doing the painting: “For thirty years I taught art in public school, and I was always fascinated by what individuals would create especially when given time, materials, and opportunities to freely express themselves.”

If there’s one thing that Tolen hopes the audience takes away from his exhibition, it’s to not have any one specific emotion. He’d rather capture your attention, and let your mind wander to its own conclusion, only to seek more answers by continuing to look at the following artworks in his collection. His art always aims to share a story, and in this particular set of artwork, it’s a deeply personal one. He reiterates how powerful a tool art is to positively communicate and address complex or sensitive topics. Viewing his works as an extension of his own being is what really emphasizes the subtext within each and every piece he makes.

“Who Am I?” will be displayed at Stormwater Studios from August 17th to the 28th. The opening reception is on August 18th from 5:30 to 7:30, and an artist talk on the 28th will conclude the showing. So, for those of you who look to find the answer to that opening question, Keith Tolen’s work might just be the solution you’re looking for. In his own words, “This body of work in many ways is an extension of many ideas that have shaped my life for many years. I enjoy working with colors, so painting these works in many ways fed my soul.”