In Jasper Vol. 3, No. 4: Molly Harrell: Finding the Naked Truth

“She says it was a ‘midlife crisis’ that brought her back to the camera, picking up a proclivity she developed in her first photograph class in 1983 at the University of Tennessee, but Molly Harrell was bound to find her way back behind the lens. The freedom she found there has allowed her the kind of comfort—with self as well as others—many people would spend hours on the therapist’s couch to achieve. And bravery? It takes a special kind of guts to switch careers in the middle of it all, go back to school, study seriously, start anew. But guts are something Harrell has no shortage of, whether she’s picking up and moving to a new city, or standing full frontal before her own camera for a self-portrait. The chick is tough. ...” – Cynthia Boiter