Call for Submissions -- New Zine for Revolutionaries --> GRIEVANCES


Jasper thinks the following is pretty cool & wanted to help spread the word. -- cb


"Grievances is a zine for revolutionaries ... or cut-ups, sarcasm machines, people that want to make others feel lighter with the tool of commiseration, people that want to make people feel shitty about the idiotic things they do ... In essence, it's a zine for the people.

"Left or right, gay or straight, male, female, animal, vegetable, mineral ... Anyone from any state, country, or cultural background is welcome to share their experiences, opinions, stories, and art, whether it be personal, political, controversial, tame, profane, pure, satirical, or seductive ... The important thing to remember is this is PRINT so keep your word count down (make them count), and please, if you are submitting visual art OR writing, try to have it fit on HALF or full sheet of A3 paper (typical US printing paper - sorry international folks).

"The launch is scheduled  for March 8th -- Grievances will: go live online, be available at the VillaVilleCola arts festival at Conundrum music hall in Columbia, SC, and hopefully I [Lorna Fest] can get volunteers to print copies in their area ... nationally and abroad! I intend to put out a new issue quarterly thereafter. The idea was twofold - with so many talented but unheard of peers, I decided it was time we started something of our own Warhol factory, letting each other stand on each others' shoulders. It's the same idea with the theme "grievances." Sure, it's a funny Festivus tradition from Seinfeld, but I also see talking about what's going on in our lives and our world as an aid in the ability to conspire, bind together, and understand each other ... in essence, your rants put fear to death and make others feel less alone.

"Submissions will be accepted from the general public, with real names, sobriquets, or anonymously. Sadly, depending on how many submissions are received, some folks' grievances may be saved for a later issue. I can only include what space allows. If you submitted to Grievances 2 years ago, when the final product was never released, your work will be included in the first issue, unless you ask me not to. The front and back covers will be full color (I hope).

"Donations are welcome, although I fully intend to fund the project myself. Also, if anyone (graphic designers?) would care to volunteer to help with the collation and printing, I would love the help! If you know any other creative person in any other grievous place, PLEASE forward this email to them, put them in contact with me, or just tell them about it. I also invite you to share information about Grievances on facebook or other social media. All the publicity would be greatly appreciated.

"The deadline for the launch issue is the 31st of JANUARY 2014. Submit your fiction, nonfiction, or 2-D visual art in the form of a word document, pdf, jpeg, or pages right here:"


Thank you & kind regards,




"Tell them what you cannot stand for, then show them what you do stand for.”

Let’s start somewhere. State your grievances…. Air them to the world. Nail them to a wall, or just send them to our inbox. We’re good listeners.