On the Road with the Nick -- Part 3 of a Guest Blog Series

Our Friends at the Nick have taken to the highway and are out on one of the greatest of American adventures – the ROAD TRIP! Happily, they’re sharing their news from the road with us via the Jasper blog. Below is the third installation from the great adventurers’ travel(b)log. We are on Day 3 of our Nickelodeon Staff Road Trip.  Today finds us in Paducah, KY about to take a day of some films, and a short drive to Nashville, TN.  Yesterday began at a great breakfast place in downtown Memphis, where the menus are printed on newspaper, and it looks like Heather found some surprising news.

From there we drove four hours to the wonderful charming town of Paducah, KY...

We checked into our hotel, and immediately headed downtown to an incredibly charming downtown.  Picture a main street at least 10 blocks long with a Charleston, SC feel.  Historic buildings running up to a place where the Tennessee and Ohio River's meet.  It is where we find the Maiden Alley Cinema and the River's Edge Film Festival.

We were able to see a great documentary about the failure of Cairo, IL, some shorts from the Southeast, and spend some time hanging out with the awesome Landy Bryant and her staff of the festival.  Today, we will see a few more shorts, and then shove off to the wonderful city of Nashville. Stay tuned...