Vino & van Gogh? Yes, please.

This past Friday, my parents and I went to Greenville to a place called "Vino & van Gogh." Essentially, Vino & van Gogh is a place where an individual could go to drink wine (or another beverage of choice) and paint with acrylic on canvas. Usually there is a theme each night, so each person in the class would paint the same subject. The theme for the night we visited was "Starry Night Greenville." Vincent van Gogh is one of my absolute favorite artists and his "Starry Night" is by far my favorite painting, so naturally this was right up my alley. What could be better than wine, van Gogh, and "Starry Night"?

As I was painting my Greenville-style "Starry Night," I started chatting with the owner, Marquin Campbell, and began to wonder why Greenville has two places like this -- Design with Wine and Vino & van Gogh -- while Columbia has none. This makes no sense to me.

Columbia has an active arts community yet little that actually allows people to create even modest works of their own for fun. Sure we all love going to art openings and seeing art by individuals we all know and love, and even art by those we do not know. So why not have something that allows people to express themselves on a blank canvas with things they love -- drinks, good friends, and paint? One doesn't even have to know how to paint or be good at painting to enjoy this.

So when is Columbia going to offer an experience similar to the one I had at Vino & van Gogh?

--Lenza Jolley


Lenza's mom, Kim Jolley, is pictured with her work in progress

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