At Jasper, we pride ourselves on bringing you not only the best coverage of the best artists in the local arts scene, but bringing it to you via the best local writers and photographers. We're humbled by and proud of the writers and photographers who share their substantial talent and energy on this mission. And we're delighted to tell you about a new member of the Jasper family.
Welcome Forrest Clonts, Jasper Photography Editor!
- Forrest Clonts -- Photography Editor, Jasper Magazine
Forrest Clonts is a Columbia based photographer who focuses on people, the work they create, and the events they celebrate. He received a BA in Media Arts from The University of South Carolina in 2007 and then set forth on an odyssey of careers -- including marketing, construction, and knife sharpening.-- until settling back into photography. Forrest also currently manages the All Local Farmer's Market as well as running business management for Caw Caw Creek Pastured Pork. Besides having two or three too many jobs, Forrest is also in a never ending search for the perfect macaron and barbecue, but not necessarily in that order.
Forrest is cutting his magazine editing teeth on Jasper #5 which will release on May 15th with a big party at Hay Hill Garden Market. We'll have music by Buck Stanley, The Can't Kids, and a special performance by Avery Bateman. There will be a book signing, spoken word poetry and, in lieu of the EconoBar, we'll introduce our Buy-a-Cup & Fill-it-Up project (aka a never-ending fountain of beer).
We can't wait to show you what Forrest and the rest of us have been working on, so mark your calendars please and come out to help us welcome Forrest Clonts into the fold.