Artist Challenge: Creating out of the box with a bunch of boxes -- let's make it happen

Attention Artists:  Every other month, after the distribution of the new issue of our magazine, Jasper is left with close to 100 very nice and relatively unharmed corrugated cardboard boxes. The boxes measure approximately 9" x 10" x 12" and are commonly called "printer half cases."

While the cats at Jasper's home in the woods most assuredly enjoy spelunking through these boxes, they are already quite spoiled with wonders to explore and we can't help but think that the good artists of Columbia might have an even better idea for how to best  re-use, re-cycle, and re-claim these boxes in the name of ART.

What ideas pop into your infinitely creative heads about ways to make art from these boxes?

Challenge:   Jasper would like to sponsor the creation of a temporary site specific art installation with our empty boxes acting as the foundational, if not primary, building blocks of the exhibition.

  • We can provide you with 50 or more empty Jasper boxes in March -- more in May, June, July, etc., if your project requires them.
  • We can assist you in procuring the other supplies you may need for your installation, though we can't be responsible for a financial outlay that exceeds 30 bucks.
  • We will be happy to help facilitate, to the best of our abilities, arranging the use of the specific site you select, but we cannot guarantee we'll be successful. That said -- we think you should just go for it and we also adhere to the adage that sometimes it's better to just not ask.
  • Finally, what we can guarantee you liberally is lots of attention for your installation art project. We will blog about you, give you a page on our website, share your project via social media as well as with our other media buds, and write a story about you and your project in the pages of Jasper.
  • The location of site must be in the environs of the Greater Columbia Arts community, so within a 25 or so mile radius of the city.
  • Our deadline for completion of the project is flexible, dependent upon how long and how many boxes you need to make this baby happen. That said -- you need to tell us when you plan to have your project completed and when you plan to display, and you need to stick to those deadlines. We aren't messing around here.
  • Send your ideas in whatever kind of elaborate or simplistic form they come to you to editor@jaspercolumbia.comby Monday, February 6th. The winning plan will be chosen by the editorial staff of Jasper Magazine - The Word on Columbia Arts.