As a member of the Vista Guild, the Koger Center for the Arts partnered with The Jasper Project to open a new rotating art space, titled The Nook, in celebration of Third Thursday Art Night. This month’s featured artist in The Nook is Toni Elkins.
Artist Bio:
Toni M. Elkins has been selected a signature member of eighteen National Societies including the Nautilus Fellowship of The Society of Experimental Artists, National Watercolor Society (California), and Watercolor USA Honor Society. She has won more than 150 national awards including Best-of-Show in San Diego Watercolor and Top 10 in SC Watermedia 2015. She served as juror for the Union County Arts Guild 2015 exhibit and as a member of the jury for ArtFields Jr. 2015. In 1999, Governor Hodges awarded her with The Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Award for contributions to SC art. Her paintings are in collections all over the USA