REVIEW: Exit, Pursued by a Bear - Trustus Side Door Theatre

January 18 – 27

Written by Lauren Gunderson

Directed by Ginny Ives 

(Trigger warning – this script tackles the issue of domestic violence.)

Exit, Pursued by a Bear is Trustus’ Side Door’s current offering. Nan has finally had it with her husband Kyle’s physical and emotional abuse, and paybacks are hell. Assisted by her forever “ride or die” bestie, Simon and her new friend, a stripper named Sweetheart, Nan hatches a plan to teach Kyle the lesson of his life. Kyle comes home, tosses back a drink, and passes out in his favorite chair. Nan enters and proceeds to duct-tape him to said chair. When he comes to, he is made to watch Nan, Simon and Sweetheart act out scenes from a marriage – his marriage to Nan. Nan lets him know from the start that the “final act” is to cover the room with honey and venison (acquired through Kyle’s illegal hunting techniques), then leave Kyle to be devoured by bears.

I love bears. Always have. Dancing Bear on Captain Kangaroo, and Pooh Bear. Smokey the Bear. Yogi Bear and Booboo. Paddington. The list of cute, adorable bears goes on and on. B-HP’s mascot was a bear. (Go Bars!!!). Real bears, on the other hand, are not particularly cute and adorable. Shakespeare used a bear quite cleverly in A Winter’s Tale  - from whence cometh the title at hand. (Duh.) As a recovering Baptist, I will remind you that God sent bears to devour the small children who mocked the prophet Elisha (2nd Kings 2:23 – 24). Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend learned the hard way that bears are not our friends. I digress…

Kyle is sore afraid. As the evening progresses, he beseeches Nan not to follow through with her plan. He begs, he pleads, he coerces. He pulls out all the tricks that charming, attractive, magnetic abusers have up their sleeves, and  many times Nan very nearly succumbs to his charms. Simon and Sweetheart are there to make sure she doesn’t.

The “who are theys” in this production are Liza Hunter as Nan, Isabella Stenz as Sweetheart, and Bryent Taylor Marshall as Kyle. Clint Poston, a veteran of numerous Trustus productions, rounds out the cast as Simon. All four of these actors inhabit their characters with passion, humor, doubt, and determination. Some of the action in this play is ridiculous, absurd and over the top, but Ginny Ives’ direction, combined with the skills of each of these actors, creates very believable characters. We know these people. We, at least I, grew up with these people. Sweet, timid Nan; macho, violent, angry Kyle, “I’m gonna be an actress!” Sweetheart; and loyal, brave, and fearless Simon. Lord love all these people who grew up in the rural South. Bless their hearts, and I mean that with every fiber of my being. It ain’t easy bein’ weird. Especially when it’s the Kyles of the world who are considered “normal.”

Hunter’s Nan is the human version of a bunny rabbit. Sweet and fluffy and you just want to smoosh her widdle cheeks together and boop her nose! And then you realize this bunny has teeth. She moves from floofy bunny to Monty Python bunny with precision.

Isabella Stenz is so refreshing as Sweetheart, the stripper whose ambition is to be a real actress. She stays committed at every moment. Take a second to watch her when she isn’t the focus of the action.

Clint Poston is the cheerleading bestie we all want. From high camp to deadly serious, Poston’s Simon is  the best sidekick ever. And the boy got some stems. Just saying. 

Bryent Taylor-Marshall as the utterly horrid Kyle. Argh! He is an awful, reprehensible, hot-tempered card-carrying NRA member (wait, no. He’s too cheap to pay the dues), Fox-watching abusive redneck. And he is so cute and sweet and apologetic and coercive. I wanted to release him from his duct tape shackles, but I also wanted to bash his head against rocks.

I anticipated a “Misery” moment. Not gonna tell ya.

Dewey Scott-Wiley’s set is true. I know that trailer. The rutted driveway leading from the tar and gravel road up to the front porch. (We don’t see it, but we know it’s there). The deer head mounted on the wall. The hideous recliner. Absolutely evocative of rural upstate Georgia. (And South Carolina).

Sound and lighting design fit this production perfectly. The use of projections for scene changes and some narration is excellent.

A fun evening. Nothing but Bonfires.


Housekeeping: The show runs right at 90 minutes without intermission. Plan accordingly. The Side Door is an “intimate” space, so watch your feet so as not to trip up the actors. Get there early as the space fills up quickly. Beer, wine, soft drinks, and snacks are available for purchase.

Curtain is at 8:00 p.m. so don’t be late. There’s no sneaking into this space. Tickets are $22.50 - $25.00.


If you or someone you love is a victim of physical or emotional violence, please don’t suffer in silence. The National Domestic Violence Hotline number is 800-799-7233. Sistercare’ s 24-hour crisis line is 803-765-9428. The Women’s Shelter can be reached at 803-779-4709. And yes, there is help for men who are victims. Oliver Gospel Mission at 803-254-6470, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and the SC Department of Social Services are available to you. The play is funny. The issue is not.

A Musical Mosaic of the South – Short Stories, vol. 1 by David Garner and Greg Stuart By Emily Moffitt

The University of South Carolina’s School of Music is filled to the brim with ambitious creative minds, all leading the newest generations of musicians while simultaneously maintaining their own artistic endeavors. One of the newest projects born from the walls of the Assembly Street building is Short Stories, vol. 1, a new collaborative album by David Garner and Greg Stuart. Garner and Stuart are both Associate Professors at the School of Music, with the former teaching Composition and Theory and the latter teaching Experimental Music Performance and Music Literature. This album is composed of original accompaniments by Garner and Stuart, performed along archived recordings of Southern folk songs. 

Ever since his graduate school years, Garner found the genre of American roots music fascinating, and he continues to use the genre as source material and inspiration for his own work. The existing relationship with the genre led Garner on the path to creating Short Stories, vol. 1, but he notes that “I don’t know that there was a single ‘a-ha’ moment to start this project, but rather a thousand small discoveries that built up over many years.” Short Stories, vol. 1 utilizes recordings from the Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip collection, which Garner has worked with since 2016, composing a piece called “DwnByThRckyMtns” that was also built around a recording from the collection.  The Lomax collection is a massive one, containing nearly 700 sound recordings, field notes, dust jackets, and other pertinent manuscripts that encompass a 6,500-mile trip taken by the eponymous travelers. Garner notes that listening to the original recordings before his renditions is not necessary but worthwhile. “I think some listeners might enjoy hearing the original field recordings in order to hear how the recordings were transformed in our album,” Garner says. “There are many thousands of hours of incredible early 20th century field recordings...these recordings might not be beautiful on the surface—with amateur performers and grainy, crackly recordings—but I find they are all so intriguing and rich with history, meaning, and culture.” 

When asked about the process of choosing which pieces to adapt, Garner mentions that he has kept a list of favorite recordings over the seven years he has worked with the collection. The six he chose were picked after “lots of play and experimentation to see which ones would work well in these transformed settings.” He took into consideration the particular nuances, shapes, timbres, and emotions of each recording, then set on the journey to create something new but still complementary. Garner started making entirely electronic settings for the pieces he chose a few years prior, but it was not until the fall of 2023 that he brought them to Stuart’s attention after working on a new composition together, and the duo followed through to create Short Stories. Garner shares an interest in archival field recordings and has played pieces that incorporate recorded sound as well as pieces that focus on timbre and noise elements. After long periods of brainstorming, structured improvisation, and testing what worked and what did not, the duo came to conclusions that achieved their ideas yet allowed room for the addition of piano, vibraphone, and percussion: the path to creating a finished piece finally laid bare. The structured improvisation is a key aspect of the creative process for this album. Garner says, “A few of the pieces are almost completely written out in traditional notation, but most of them are left much more open for improvising using a set of guidelines that we follow—note choices, rhythms, chords, gestures—we are improvising within predetermined time spans.” Garner also values the power of nostalgia and acknowledges the power it holds to shape how someone listens to music; he says “I think I have been fascinated by nostalgia and have felt it deeply my whole life; it is so important in music and so crucial to how I listen.” With the nature of the album’s contents focusing on folk music and storytelling, it is natural for the listener to also long for a time and place they may or may not have been to before, yearning to listen to a new voice that could remind them of another. This is intentional on Garner’s behalf—in his own words, he is also fascinated by the cultural and societal nostalgia that influences and informs how we listen to older music. 

Amplifying marginalized voices is a key goal for Short Stories, vol. 1. Many of the folk songs featured stem from southern African American communities, and Garner’s work celebrates that. The listener is beckoned into feeling a sense of longing and contemplation, with a vein of Southern Gothic darkness and mystery throughout. The pure emotional connections made via this music show through on "Lost Train," where the recorded voices are but a suggestion, looped in as an additional undercurrent to Stuart and Garner's instrumentation. On "All The Way Round" takes a Livingston, Alabama field recording that sounds like a playground chant and lays it bare in its repetitive style against minimalist accompaniment." Garner continues to compose pieces that surround the histories of other recordings in the Lomax collection, which also includes work from white and Mexican American performers. Garner beautifully describes the importance of a collection like this in his description of the album: “I hope to give forgotten voices another chance to be heard, histories to be told, and to highlight moments of particular beauty that might otherwise be overlooked. Embedded in every crackly field recording is a wealth of knowledge, experience, history, and humanity from which we can learn.”

You can listen to Garner and Stuart’s album on YouTube here. The album will be released on all streaming platforms starting January 24; Garner and Stuart will also perform the album in two concerts at Emory University and the University of Georgia on January 24 and January 26, respectively. 

Jasper Welcomes Charles Hite to the Warm Walls of the Jasper Sound Bites Gallery

As we come out of our cozy holiday shells and start blinking in the cold winter sun, Jasper invites you to visit Sound Bites Eatery where both the food and the walls are comforting and warm.

Jasper’s featured artist for January is photographer Charles Hite, whose work is engaging and inspiring.

Charles is a lifelong resident of Lexington County. A retired U.S. Army veteran Hite started paying closer attention to his art in 2009 at the tender age of 60. His love of nature in all aspects can be seen in his images. When asked, he enthusiastically shares the stories of his images with others and he enjoys listening to their experiences, thereby gaining information about interesting subject matter. Many of his images are of nature, old buildings, historic sites, and astronomy related events.  

Most of his images are visually accurate, but he no longer feels constrained to “take what the camera gives him.” Instead, he embraces the freedom to use available tools and capture techniques to render his impression of the scene before him, much like a painter, to make the subject his own. 

In the artist’s own words …

I have lived in Lexington County of SC all but 2 years of the 74 years I have been alive.  The other 2 years were spent in Germany while serving in the U.S. Army from 1969 to 1971.  During my time in the Midlands, I have seen a lot of change.  Some good and some not so good…but mostly good.

I do not photograph people (except family) …for money or pleasure.  It is too much like work for me.  Instead, I enjoy nature and “things” …especially old “things.”  And it seems the older I get the more I like old things.  I like to be outdoors and take my time with my subjects.  I like to be at the site well before the good light begins and watch the scene develop and well after the good light in the evening. I capture the scene and then I spend leisure time there.

As you can see from my images, there is no rhyme or reason to what interest me. Fortunately, some of my work has been juried into several shows and exhibitions.  Some shows that I’m especially proud of are these: 

  • Columbia Metropolitan Airport 2014 Exhibition

  • Rosewood Art and Music Festival…several years.    

  • ArtFields in Lake City, SC, 2015, 2017 and 2018.

  • SC State Museum 30th Anniversary Art Exhibition - 2018

  • Piccolo Spoleto in Charleston, SC – 2019, 2022

Jasper Project Announces THOMAS WASHINGTON as our FEATURED ARTIST in the 701 Whaley Hallway Gallery in February

The Jasper Project is excited to announce that ephemeral visual artist Thomas Washington will be our featured artist in the 701 Whaley Hallway Gallery for February 2024 with his one-person show LOVE QUEST.

There will be an opening reception on Sunday, February 11th from 3 - 5 pm in the gallery.

In keeping with 2023’s featured artists — Wilma King and Wayne Thornley and their two-person show Love Hurts/Love Heals — Washington’s exhibition of LOVE QUEST will show for the month of February and will coincide with the Jasper Project’s fundraising Valentine’s Day show and party INFAMOUS LOVERS on February 14th at 7pm in the 701 Whaley Market Space. (Tickets available here.) Infamous Lovers will feature the music of Fleetwood Mac cover band, BIG LOVE, Tiny Coven Dance, and more!

Washington’s reception on 2/11 is free and open to the public and will offer light refreshments.

More about Thomas Washington, in his own words …

“Perhaps the most important pursuit of an artist is the facilitation of Escapism. Perhaps each project is the equivalent of a Narnian door…or that lamppost beyond, coaxing a wanderer into another realm.  

Thomas Washington Jr. (thomas the younger) functions on that premise. Since his childhood, he has produced multitudinous works in this vein—from being hired (out of high school) to illustrate in a local graphic anthology, he has subsequently striven to bring stories in every medium; to breathe life into the fantastical by imbuing it with the familiar…and, of course, to find fun and fulfillment along the way. 

As a result, it required the birth of his children to make him care about money. (He still struggles with this.) –For years, he was perfectly fine living as a Bohemian: he laid his head in strange places among strangers, eventually becoming a pleasant strain of strange in the process. He thus entertains all sorts of bizarre notions—the importance of world peace, an unshakeable belief in fundamental similarities that make Humanity one big family, intense opinions on interstellar travel, and so-forth. 

Recently, he took the leap of emerging in his local scene. He has sat on panels, joined the instructor roster for community arts centers, partaken in various shows, (finally!) founded a website, and essentially joined the dialogue of Art’s Place in Society.

Richland Library Hosts Award Winning Graphic Novelist ANDREW AYDIN - author of the 3-volume MARCH about John Lewis (and more!) as guest of artist-in-residence CHUCK BROWN

Richland Library is hosting an evening of intellectual engagement as AiR Chuck Brown, Richland Library's newest Artist-in-Residence, conducts an insightful and captivating interview with award-winning author and American comics writer Andrew Aydin. This special event, "A Comic Conversation with Andrew Aydin," promises to delve deep into comic creation, writing, the civil rights movement, and more.

  • Date: Friday, Jan. 19

  • Time: 7:30 - 9 p.m.

  • Location: Richland Library Main

AiR Chuck Brown, renowned for his significant contributions to the comic book industry, will sit down with Andrew Aydin, the Digital Director & Policy Advisor to Georgia congressman John Lewis. Aydin is best known as the co-author, with Lewis, of the groundbreaking autobiographical graphic novel trilogy March, which debuted in 2013 by Top Shelf Productions.

Andrew Aydin, a Turkish-American creator, boasts an impressive array of accolades, including being a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a National Book Award winner, a Robert F. Kennedy Book Award Honoree, and a three-time Eisner award winner. Co-authoring MARCH with Rep. Lewis, Aydin made history with the first comic's work to win the National Book Award.

Chuck Brown, an Eisner, and multiple Ringo award-winning writer, brings his wealth of experience to the stage. Known for his work on iconic characters like The Punisher, Wolverine, and Black Panther for Marvel, as well as Superman, Black Manta, and Aquaman for DC comics, Brown is a creative force in the comic book world. His creation, Bitter Root, is being adapted into a live-action film by Legendary Pictures.

Attendees will have a unique opportunity to witness a conversation between two influential figures in the comic book industry. Before the event, Aydin will lead a creative writing workshop on the essential parts of a comic story.

The workshop, geared toward young adults interested in graphic novel creation, will be held at Richland Library Main at 3 p.m.

Poetry of the People featuring Jessy Hylton

This week's Poet of the People is Jessy Hylton. Jessy Hylton is a poet in every sense of the word, She comes to us with a wealth of experience and knowledge. She has her PhD in Creative Writing from LSU and prior to following her heart to South Carolina she was the MFA Director of Creative Writing at the University of Arkansas at Monticello and founding editor of Fermata Publishing. She hosts the Funky Fish Camp Reading Series in Georgetown, SC, is on the faculty at Coastal Carolina and is a vital and active member of the poetry community of South Carolina. She is an under-utilized literary force in South Carolina and I am blessed to know her..

Bio: Jessica K. Hylton holds a Ph.D. in creative writing from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and works at Coastal Carolina University. Her books include Gag Order, The Great Scissor Hunt, and the forthcoming collection Scatter; or, James Joyce Always Makes Me Think of Boobs.  She is the program director for the Poetry Society of South Carolina and runs the Funky Fish Camp Reading Series at Between the Antlers in Georgetown.

I want to love you like a semi-colon loves

Not the unpc version Vonnegut espoused 

or the social movement I agree with in sentiment 

but not in punctuation 

I want to love you linguistically 

admiring the independence of your clause

the completeness of your phrase

and how it mirrors my own

Call it a homosyntaxity 

Two bodies the same in structure

beautiful on their own accord

but breathtaking when together 

I want to love you knowing you 

don’t need me and I don’t need you

because we function well on our own

but when we’re close, we redefine mechanics 


She uses commas combatively

Or at least that’s what I told her 

When she let me read her writing

She liked it—a staunch feminist proud

of subverting the male standard 

of academic discourse

But honestly? 

Combative wasn’t the right word

She uses commas romantically

where she refuses to separate

things that are better together 

like fish and chips, nuts and berries

even in lists where the separation 

is grammatically correct

Collocation? Noun phrases? 

The linguists I asked couldn’t tell me

what she was doing, but sometimes 

you don’t need a linguist to know 

all you want is to be on the same 

side of a comma as she is


Apis Angel

Sometimes I wonder if bees

tell their larvae stories 

about their prophet

The queen of the bees

crucified by scientists 

in the name of learning

Does a savior have 

to be self aware

when she's pinned 

to a ragged old cross

or a Smithsonian cardboard display?

Can that awareness

be constructed as life

buzzes onward 

triumphing over 

plague after plague?

Is it so far fetched 

to question an insect’s 

knowledge of the universe 

or to suspect something 

might be studying us?


Pie Soporte

I watched you leave

with a woman whose

name I doubted you knew

as I turned to my own


Each of us going through

the motions—knowing

the rhythm of our vicious

courtship would pull

us back together

before the night’s end

Like two waves crashing

against your satin sheets

intent on annihilating

the pull of gravity

In the morning 

you would leave again

for the tighter verses

of an older poet

Who phrased life

more beautifully than

she could live it

While I would look

for a liquid muse

waiting for our next



Sante Sybil Sante

Lovers should come 

with warning labels

like finely crafted spirits

(1) According to the Surgeon General

Women should not lose Lucidity 

amid Clandestine promises

for risk of defective sentiment

(2) Consumption of poetry

impairs your ability to act

and may cause reality 

to become closer 

than it appears 

So I’ll fill my glass 

for you my dear

Dribbling water pure 

as Ophelia over sweet 

nothings that cloud 

the clarity of Absinthe


He proposed to me on the same nigh

he showed me the scans

filled with spider webs 

sticking to all of his internal organs

Not blessing them with words of encouragement 

but with the promise of my first real tragic ending

“Marry me and give me something to live for”

I said I’d think about it but I ended 

up with a felony—91 in a 55 

on the only road away from death

I understand him so much more now 

My brain littered with blotches 

like wilted fireworks

Flies and the dying only want a soft place 

to land always heading toward something 

desirable hoping they won’t get zapped

But I know walking corpses have limited sex appeal

as I rot before you and I will shamble away

Rather than ever asking you to stay


Instruction manual

Do you ever wonder 

if an instruction manual feels 

sad as you turn its last page?

I promise I’m not high, or at least not

that high but it is legal

when you’re dying

I guess it’s supposed to make 

you forget you’re on your last 

page but really all it makes 

you think about is how you

and the instruction manual

should have been novels


Things she doesn’t like

Ballpoint pens

Wet socks

Overly groomed flower arrangements 

Water she can’t see through—unless it’s the ocean

Patriarchal ideals

Admitting favorites

Drinking wine out of plastic cups

Making all the decisions 

Any decision that’s different than the one she would make

Left lane drivers 

Driving in general

Not telling you how to drive from the passenger seat


Aluminum in deodorant

T shirts with logos

Jeans without belts 

Chewing gum


Most old white men 

Cold French fries 

Feeling out of control 


Cheap beer

At this point, I lean back 

clicking the ballpoint pen

I bought her and she gave back 

to me as I reread the list

and fall in love with her all over 

again because the world is better

when it spins the way she wants 

But I know I still have to add 

two more letters to make

the list complete, done, finished 

I pick up the rejected gift

and add the two letters she never wanted


Jasper's Tiny Gallery Features Fred Townsend

Fred Townsend—Jasper’s January Tiny Gallery artist—grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where his childhood had plenty of adventure—though art itself was not originally in the forefront.  

“Art was not directly part of my childhood, I was more inclined to be in the woods near my house playing with bamboo,” Townsend recalls, “I had art classes in middle school, but did not get fully immersed in art until high school.”  

Townsend attended the Baton Rouge Magnet High School, a visual and performing arts school that set the foundation for attending the University of South Carolina and graduating with a degree in Studio Art. Townsend’s courses here were foundational for him in the mediums he still uses today. 

“I loved to draw in charcoal, but then I took an oil painting class, and that was that. I did use other mediums for my own art pieces while still in college, pastels, and acrylic paint, but nothing gave me the feeling like oil paint,” Townsend says. “I recently made a decision to start using oil pastels with some pieces, but it is hard to break away from just oil. Oils give me the textures I want for my floral paintings.” 

Though oil is a consistent love, Townsend’s style is harder to pin down. “I have only dipped my foot into themes that are close to me—mental health, loss, and decay,” Townsend shares. “It’s hard to go there and focus because it’s a touchy subject matter and takes me to a sad place.”  

Townsend often works out images in his sketchbook, putting together “concrete images”—“the only thing I may play with are the color schemes for dramatic effect,” he says. “As far as feeling finished, it’s done when I see and get that feeling that gave me the initial emotion for the idea.” 

For his Tiny Gallery show, Townsend has put together “a mix of new and old.” Viewing the show, patrons can see brightly colored frogs, wary warm cats, vivid stormy sunsets, and creatures that marry the wild with the feminine. The show also has “some smaller sizes of things [he] want[s] to do larger. The cat and the door. The door has been on the back burner to do larger for a while.” 

Recently, Townsend received his certification to teach art and to share his perspective with others. Currently, he teaches for Richland One at Edward E Taylor Elementary. In the past, he has worked as an activity therapist for students with mental health struggles at Williams S. Hall. 

Townsend reflects on the selling of two of his magnolias here in Columbia as well as meeting other local artists and educators like Tyrone Geter and Keith Tolen as highlights of his art journey. He also recently had a piece that was accepted into an online gallery exhibition

Interested patrons can view Townsend’s work via Jasper’s online Tiny Gallery until January 31st. People can also follow Townsend on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with his work.

Poetry of the People: Jesus Redondo Menendez

Our first Poet of the People of 2024 is Jesus Rodondo Menendez.

Jesus is a dynamo. He immigrates to this country in his 40s, becomes a successful teacher, works on an advanced degree in school administration, navigates the waters of marriage and writes delightful poetry.

Jesús Redondo Menéndez was born and grew up in Spain, developing a love for books as tools of learning, and as open roads for his imagination. He graduated in Psychology, in his forties decided to move to the United States and started a career as an educator in South Carolina. Now, almost ten years later, he is finishing the process to become a school administrator. He deeply thanks America for this transformational change. Now and then he enjoys writing poetry and short fiction, and experiencing new places in the loving company of his wife and their four legged child, Chomsky   


A belonging recipe: a bit of matter, time and self 

I've sat on 

the wooden bench 

in front of the river... 

Couldn't help but crying 

and gasping, 

overwhelmed by 

the daunting sense 

of belonging 

to just the 


of that moment, 

that place, 

and my most 


and inner 



Bay of Dreams 

There is a picture 

I often like to revisit, 

and truly enjoy to see, 

one with my little dog 

watching us 

at the beach, 

his defenseless back 

pointing to the sea. 

I called it Bay of Dreams, 

because we always 

pictured our hopes 

somewhere overseas, 

in a sort of secret place 

where you could find them 

guarded by him, 

bathed and soothed 

by the lullaby 

of ocean beings. 

But as it happens in every dream, 

there are moments when 

the bay turns into a tree, 

and we, and our hopes, 

are together, 

embraced by its leaves. 

There’s an uneasy sense 

of uncertainty coloring the scene. 

And we can see the cloud 

that announces the storm, 

and we can feel the strong 

and chilly wind 

as it starts shaking the tree. 

And we see our hopes 

falling to the ground, 

as the cloud darkens, 

as the wind blows, 

as the leaves fly, 

as our fear grows… 

And we hold to each other 

and to myself I keep 

how much 

I would like to believe 

there is some purpose 

above us 

that is shaking 

the tree. 


You make it easy (to Lola) 

There are some days, 

I have to say it, 

I don’t want to leave 

my bed, 

‘cause there lays 

everything that makes 

me feel safe: 

the woman that leads 

my boat, 

the pet that watches

my footsteps. 

Life can be wonderful 

you often can hear me say, 

sometimes a little bitchy, 

that I keep to myself, 

but every morning 

I walk to the mirror 

tying my tie, 

reminding to myself 

who I am. 

A person that may 

stumble and fall, 

but always stands up; 

that may need to 

try a thousand times, 

but never gives up: 

those and many more 

are the things 

that make me who I am. 

And there’s no day 

I don’t wonder where 

you get your strength from, 

how can you have 

such a clear mind 

to target all our goals, 

I don’t mind confessing 

something that I truly enjoy: 

I’m still figuring you out, 

because from all that breathes 

in this world 

you amaze me the most. 

And I think to myself 

that I don’t care whatever it takes, 

I don’t need to know what it is, 

it doesn’t matter the pain, 

because you make it easy. 


My people 

My people dared me 

to play kickball 

so I told my people 

I didn’t know the game. 

My people raised eyebrows, 

because, you know, 

it seems that 

my people know. 

My people don’t know 

that my people still 

blame me for what 

my people did 

500 years ago, 

while my people 


old fashioned speeches and parades. 

My people know 

my name when 

I ask to close the check, 

while my people 

keep reminding me 

that I am 

just another guy 

from 10 miles away. 

My people invite me 

to parties, 

bridal and baby showers, 

after work meetings 

poetry readings,

 and jazz, 

while I know 

about my people’s lives 

on Facebook or Instagram. 

My people ask me 

if I want to stay, 

and my contract 

waits to be signed 

on my desk, 

while my people 

keep asking me 

when I’ll go back home, 

how long I’m gonna 

be away. 

My people, one year ago, 

a 30 degrees morning, 

and short sleeved people 

had to show 

their best behavior 

to come to Español, 

but my people yesterday, 

last class of the week, 

didn’t care that much at all. 

And today my people 

are here in West Columbia 

listening to my words. 

Thank you for your patience, 

my people. 


Squeezing a verse (to Evelyn) 

And there she goes, 

a dynamic explosion 

of creative bangs, 

a swag of jeans, 

and bright lemons, 

squeezing verses 

like demons 

sliding down 

the darkness 

of his shirt, 

feeding our hearts 

with something mellow 

bringing light 

in the yellow shape 

of delicious fruits 

with citric flavor.  

Dinner and a Show: Koger Center for the Arts 35th Anniversary Celebration

The Koger Center for the Arts will celebrate their 35th anniversary of bringing the arts to the Midlands in January 2024. While the official anniversary date is January 12, the real celebration takes place on the 30th with an exclusive wine and food tasting event and a performance by The Four Phantoms.

“35 Years, 5 Tastings” is a ticketed pre-show event complete with a five-course sampler of fine French cuisine and wine. Tickets are $75 per person and do not include entry into The Four Phantoms. Guests at this event will be treated to a private performance by Kaley Ann Voorhees, the youngest woman to perform on Broadway as Christine Daaé, and the following menu:

·         Course 1: Mirepoix-foie gras stuffed local Manchester Farm quail, black winter truffle aged port reduction, leek-basil confit.

o   Wine pairing - Lucien Albrecht Cremant Brut

·         Course 2: Galangal-scallion crusted U-10 diver scallops, star anise basmati, black sesame dusted carrot straw, white miso-mirin pan jus

o   Wine pairing - Henry Fessy Vire clesse Maitre Bonhome 2019

·         Course 3: Coriander-cranberry venison loin, butter poached crispy brussel sprouts, mousseline fingerling, cappuccino Norwegian goat cheese & gin cream sauce, lingonberry cream fraiche

o   Wine pairing - Chateau Saint Roch Grenache Syrah

·         Course 4: Sous vide grass-fed New Zealand baby rack of lamb, pave potato, legume de provine timbale, petit lemon-thyme lamb demi-glaze

o   Wine pairing - French Blue Bordeaux Rouge Bien Ensemble 2019

·         Course 5: Cardamom-infused overnight pear tart, dark & milk chocolate mousse, almond crisp, cognac cherry compote, William pear schnapps vanilla bean ice cream

o   Wine Pairing - Louis Latour Coteaux Du Verdon Rouge Les Bastides 2019

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event – if you are a business owner interested in participating or sponsoring, please contact Karen Magradey at (803) 777-9781.

The Four Phantoms is a production in the Koger Center Presents series of programming. Four Broadway legends that have portrayed the iconic leading role of the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera will unite for a magnificent performance that celebrates the legacy and music of Broadway. The production features Brent Barrett, Franc D'Ambrosio, Marcus Lovett, and Ciarán Sheehan, with special guest star Kaley Ann Voorhees. The group will perform music from The Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Les Mis, Sweeney Todd, and more! Fans of Broadway won’t want to miss out on this performance. Ticket prices range from $38 to $63.

Tickets for both events are available on the Koger Center for the Arts website, over the phone at (803) 251-2222, in person at the box office, or on the official Koger Center for the Arts phone app.

Koger Center’s Third Thursday Lineup in the Nook Kicks Off with Wilma King

It’s a new calendar year, which means a brand-new lineup of talented artists from the Midlands will decorate the walls of each Jasper Gallery location. In the Nook at the Koger Center, Wilma King is the opening artist. King is a South Carolina native who endeavors to combine her experiences of living around the United States with her educational background into a visual storytelling collaboration through her painting.

King’s featured exhibit in the Nook is titled Love Heals: The Margins and Time In-Between. This body of work expands upon her Love Heals collection, which debuted at our Bernie Love Valentine’s Day event in 2023. The addendum includes 14 new works and received funding by the South Carolina Arts Commission’s Emerging Artist Grant. King notes that the pieces are a “series of montages comprised of memories of two generations before and after [her] -- thus, the time ‘in-between.’” She highlights the dreams, hopes, and desires of individuals at different stages of their lives while facing different obstacles like cancer or mental illness. Much of the subject matter derives from King’s own memories of adolescence and the relationships she fostered with her family. No moment is too small or grand for King to make compelling subject matter. Memories and storytelling often mesh to create a brand-new path for her work to take.

The opening reception will be held from 5:30 – 7 p.m. on January 18, 2024, on the Grand Tier Lobby of the Koger Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Excerpt from Wilma King’s Artist statement:

“I tell stories of my parents, their lifetimes, their influences. There are memories of me playing with my grandfather Manuel’s gold pocket watch; wallpapering the walls of my aunt Sedonia’s house (which was destroyed by a Louisiana storm last year); me ritually painting my mother’s nails; or dancing like nobody’s watching just to keep my cousin upbeat during her last few months!

We all have turning points in our lives -- some are cataclysmic. But I believe that the persistent, more powerful triggers are those that are slow, unforgettable images, sometimes rising out of nowhere, that quietly give us a heartfelt thump. Words are not needed, but touches, smells, soft sounds, and even tastes lend to the very intimate and secret thoughts that we hold close inside. These moments are the perfect companionship and fulfillment – a very pure form of love and loveliness – for whatever voids we need or want to fill. Although faceted, these “ordinary” and “frequent” thoughts and memories are what I wish to capture in my art.

I usually rely on memories, and sometimes collaborative storytelling with family and friends. Most often, the fusion of these memories and recollections are didactic approaches manifested in the art that I enjoy creating. I fully enjoy the outcomes as I see the bits and pieces of the storytellers’ realities and attempts to bring the pieces together in a relationship-building effort and artwork.”

— Emily Moffitt

Congratulations to the Accepted Contributors to Fall Lines - a literary convergence, volume X

On behalf of the Jasper Project, we’re delighted to announce that the following literary art was selected for inclusion in Fall Lines Volume X, releasing in spring 2024. These contributions were selected from several hundred poetry and prose submissions, and we couldn’t be happier to include them in this milestone tenth volume of Fall Lines – a literary convergence.

In early 2024 we will announce via the same website where and when we will hold our annual Fall Lines reading and awards ceremony, as well as the winners of the Saluda River Prize for Poetry, the Broad River Prize for Prose, and the Combahee River Prize in Poetry and Prose for a South Carolina Writer of Color.

Until then, congratulations and thank you for sharing your talents with the Jasper Project and allowing us to share them with the world.

Paul Toliver Brown – Digging to China

Allen Stevenson -- Shep’s Story

Bryan Gentry – Some People Never Change

Ruth Nicholson – The Red and Blue Box

Suzanne Kamata – Community Building

Evelyn Berry – Home Party

Randy Spencer – Next Day Now

Liz Newell – Red Hill Fans

Debra Daniel – Eve Purchases an Apple Watch

Shannon Ivey – As I Went Down to the River to Pray

Eric Morris – Straight Down Shadows

Lonetta Thompson – The Differences

Napoleon Wells – The Court of Thieves

Tshaka Campbell – Pews

Ann-Chadwell Humphries – Urban Eagle

Jacquelyn Markham – The persistence of limited memory  & Storage

Brian Slusher – *Improv 101 & What else for you darlin?  

Worthy Evans – *Blue Song for Bringing the Body Home & Blues Song for Never Having What I am Relative to Everybody Else

Rhy Robidoux –*Whereas

Nadine Ellsworth-Moran – *Nasturtium grows lush

Susan Craig – Migration & Treating our mother's last living friend

Heather Emerson – Divorce & Ceilings  

Joshua Dunn – Clearing House

Candice Kelsey – Chainsaws  & Renewable Energy

Terri McCord – Following a Blast

Randy Spencer – *Reading Ann’s Poem & In Passing

Debra Daniel – *Studies in Reproduction

Loli Munoz – Liminal

Frances Pearce – Strawberries

Ann Herlong-Bodman – One More

Jo Angela Edwins – A Neighbor Calls a Cool June Evening a Miracle

Kristine Hartvigsen – What I’ll pack for the apocalypse  & Inagaddadavida

Al Black –*Meditations on the Lawh-i-Aqdas & Midnight Call to Prayer

Tim Conroy – Journeys

Jessica Hylton – Space

Amanda Warren – Divination Road

Danielle Ann Verwers—How was your day

Libby Bernardin – Ode to the Santee Delta & Ramble of thought as I read an article in the New York Times

Ellen Blickman --The Mystery of Pomegranates

Allison Cooke – Whippoorwill Elegy

Julie Ann Cook --  Into blue

Bryan Gentry – Hail, Fuse

Kelley Lannigan – Aubade

Gilbert Allen -- T**** IS PRESIDENT

Jane Zenger – Choices

Anna Ialacci – Ruined

Nicholas Drake – The Space Beside Her  

Graham Duncan --  Exceptionalism

(* indicates finalists for the Saluda River Prize for Poetry)

Fall Lines - a literary convergence is made possible through a partnership between the Jasper Project, One Columbia for Arts and Culture, Richland Library, and the Friends of Richland Library.

Jasper Recommended Last Minute Local Gifts for the Most Favored People on your Christmas List!

Why send your money to strangers when your gift purchases can help support local artists?

Jasper intern Liz Stalker has put together a list of gift suggestions she gleaned from researching the local market of arts presents and here are a few of her hot finds!

Prints, Stickers, and Paintings from Malik Greene!

Visit Red Bubble to find everything from paintings to t-shirts to shower curtains by Columbia artist and muralist, Ija Charles!

Let Zoo Valdes hook you up with a

Marius Valdes original coffee mug or tote bag!

Represent Columbia Music with a t-shirt, sticker, or button from

Death Ray Robin!

Cafe Press can hook you up with Root Doctors shirts and merch from

lots of other local bands!

Pick up a copy of Ed Madden’s Story of the City,

Carla Damron’s Justice Be Done,

Cassie Premo Steele’s Beaver Girl,

Claudia Smith Brinson’s Stories of Struggle,

Aida Rogers’ State of the Heart,

Jim Sonnefeld’s Swimming with the Blowfish,

and works by any number of local authors at

All Good Books Bookstore!

Visual Art makes for some of the most intimate of presents.

Check out Mike Brown Contemporary for work by

more than 30 local South Carolina artists including

David Yaghjian (above), Aggie Zed, Cedric Umoja, Jeff Donovan, Mark Flowers, and Lori Starnes!

Visit Sound Bites Eatery or any of the other

Jasper Galleries for original art by local artists!

Also pick up lunch for a friend

or a Sound Bites gift card!

Celebrate the art of a fine meal with gift cards from food artists like

Eddie Wales and Wesley Fulmer

and their restaurants that also support the local art by hanging and showing local art on their walls!

Motor Supply Bistro is currently showing the work of Jasper board member Laura Garner Hine.

Visit Bandcamp

and search for your favorite local artists to

give the gift of home-grown tunes this Christmas!

And the SC Philharmonic makes it easy to give the

gift of classical music with their

Holiday Gift Guide created just for you!

Poetry of the People: Amy Alley

This week's Poet of the People is Amy Alley.

Amy Alley is a poet, writer, educator, and artist who I originally met through Cassie Premo Steele. She hosts poetry and art events from Greenwood to Newberry. She is a quiet, nurturing, and generous connector of people and talents and is the keeper of the poetry torch in her corner of South Carolina  . 

Amy is a talented freelance writer, poet, author,  artist, educator, and solo mother of one son who somehow managed to make it to University (hooray!) Because that isn't enough, she is currently training to become a certified yoga teacher. A so-called ‘curator of sophisticated chaos,' she knows what it is like to strive for balance in the throes of a busy, hectic life - but she has learned to breath deep and embrace the flow. She has a passion for service and enjoys helping others express the story they wish to tell through writing and/or art as well as discover new tools for creative expression to promote wellness and wellbeing. She also loves fashion and style, like, a lot.

If You Reached Out  

If you reached out 

While children clamor at our feet 

And on our laps 

And people chatter all around us 

In a language I fall in and out of understanding 

I would take your hand 


If you reached out 

I would follow you into your world 

I would let you lead me 

All the way 

Because I’m so tired 

Of being at the wheel 


If you reached out 

I would let you teach me 

The language of your ancestors 

So that I could speak to you 

With the same words that 

You dream in. 


If you reached out 

I would let you into my world 

Where the solitude you’ve never known 

Bears fruit 

In color that swirls on the canvases 

That you admire so much 


If you reached out 

I would take you to a place 

Where you can hear the owls 

Call to one another 

Their ancient language one 

With the sound of night settling 


If you reached out 

Across this table 

And these children 

And these worlds 

And languages 

And all that seems to lie between us 


I would fall into a space 

That seems to be as vast 

As the night sky  

We both dream beneath 

Counting the stars 

In different languages  

Living in worlds 

We both fall in and out of 




Shoe Fetish 

I’ve kicked off more shoes than you could imagine 

Wasted, wanton shoes 


shoes that fit only for an instant 

and never 

never ever 

let me dance. 


I’ve kicked off more shoes that you could imagine 

and ran barefoot instead 

through meadows of clover and freedom 

where nothing is too tight 

and I can dance as much as l like 

 to the tune 

of me. 



I wanted to write about me,
but I am possessive
so it comes out as my
and my mind goes to mycelium
and mycelium is another name
for God, I have been told.
And God was possessive, right?
The source of what connects us all
and it runs deep underneath,
connecting everything to itself.
The fungi know this. There’s
communication down in the deep,
dark spaces where the gods really live.
There’s magic in my and mine and
maybe not so much shame
in wanting to possess something
completely. Mycelial networks
are so intrinsic, a worldwide
web of their own. We don’t see it,
just like we don’t see the internet,
but it’s there all the same, sparking
magical mystical connections.
And there’s magic in me and mine
and he and his and we can’t own
each other but we can think about it.
We can go down deep into
all the dark places below where
the mycelial hyphae of our minds 

run like strands of Ariadne’s thread, 

under all the layers of us,

and earth is this space where
we finally touch one another,
touch the magic, and watch the light
of it spread to all of our parts.


Black and White Dream

Spring came too early,

again. It seeped in 

everywhere, overnight. Dew

glistening on green like 

sweat on skin after

making love. Sunny and 

74, too early. March 3

is not Spring. A long

afternoon walk leaves me

like dew on green - 

anew - as though everything 

wasn't breaking down,

as though I'd spent 

idle hours with 

Wang Ming's Humble Hermit

of Clouds and Woods,

having stumbled upon him

in a black and white

dream, making love between

cups of tea in his

thatched cottage, hidden

by ink branches and 

boughs of pine. And 

why not, when everything

is breaking, broken.  At least 

once before, this scene, in a 

dream, waking up

like dew on green

leaves - anew - but not

enough. I have spent days

in woods, in clouds, in

meditation, trying to find

my feet back on that

jagged path. Hermits like

to make us think that they

are wise, but I take 

my gurus with a grain of salt 

these days. Fragile as me

they are, and just

as broken. Spring has come

too early, again. And everything

is breaking,  broken, except

the black ink branches and 

pine boughs that hide 

a thatched cottage where

lives the man who

prefers silence and solitude 

to the chaos of Spring. Who

prefers his loneliness

to my black and white

dream. Who doesn't see 

everything breaking, broken, 

who doesn't see me

blinded is he 

by a warm Spring sun.

Too early.

Last Night I Dreamt of Pow Wows  

Last night I dreamt of friends long past 

Divorced from one another 

And otherwise scattered 

Lost to the winds of time 

Lost to the miles between us 

Lost to themselves  

And lost to me. 


But for a moment 

Together again. 

Some long ago powwow 

Where we laughed and sang together 

And danced under starshine 

To a drum as familiar 

As the beating of my own heart. 


I wake up  

Wanting to reach out 

Find everyone 

And bring us all together again. 


But my heart says no 

It is a time long past 

They are lost to the winds of time 

Lost to the miles between us 

Lost to themselves 

And lost to me. 


I begin my day nostalgic 

With the memory of moccasins on soft earth 

Keeping time with a drum  

That fell silent long ago. 


Making War 

The way of the peaceful warrior 

is not my way. I fight. 

Against the grain, against 

myself. Against the oppression 

of cultural expectations and 

societal norms. What is normal 

anyway, the collected insanity 

of the masses? Peace 

is not achieved without a fight. 

Inner, outer, it doesn’t matter. 

You have to slay the demons, and 

they fight back, scratching and biting 

and you bleed and your blood flows 

to all the inner and outer places. And 

They don’t go down easily, no. Begging  

and pleading and willing them away 

won’t work. You have to fight back. That’s 

why it’s important that you know how.  


You, sitting on your velvet cushion with your hands 

folded, thinking “Namaste,” you better know 

how to throw – and take – a punch. Because 

the way of the peaceful warrior is not 

achieved through the bliss 

of meditation, no. It takes the screaming of war 

to get to that place, inner or outer, 

where peace resides. It takes 

making war on yourself 

to stop making war 

on the rest of the world. It takes 

fighting back. Hard.  

And you get stronger, scrappier. And 

wounded. But the bleeding 

stops. And scarred, you put away your sword, 

for now. You can only be 

a peaceful warrior if you put 

it down completely.  

And you might. 


But I fought too long 

and too hard for the right 

to hold mine 

to just let it go. I’ll 

put it away, though. And I’ll sit 

on a velvet cushion, with 

my hands folded and think “Namaste” 

all day. I will 

be peaceful.  

I will. 


You should know, though… 

in a moment’s notice 

I can be armed  

and ready for war 

in the event 

that you choose 

to wage it. 



Jasper Project Announces Our Full 2024 Line-up of Artists for JASPER GALLERIES 2024!

Jasper’s first regularly scheduled gallery – Tiny Gallery – opened in October 2018 at an intimate space inside Tapp’s Arts Center on Main Street in Columbia, SC. Over the past five years, many shifts have happened, including the moving of Tiny Gallery online and the inception of five additional gallery locations. As these spaces increased, Jasper Galleries itself was created as an expanding series that promotes Midlands artists’ work. 

Jasper is delighted to announce the lineup of over 60 artists whose work we will have the fortune to support and show in 2024. Be sure to mark your calendars, follow our social media, and sign up for our weekly newsletter to hear more about these creators as their individual shows draw near.


Harbison Theatre at Midlands Technical College 

Shows at Harbison Theatre are Jasper’s only galleries that run seasonally versus yearly, with shows opening and closing in conjunction with the theatre’s season of shows. 1-2 final artists will be announced in late summer along with Harbison’s 2024-2025 season calendar. 

January 8th: Laurie Brownell McIntosh

March 1st: Anthony Lewis

June 9th: Barbara Yongue


Koger Center for the Arts

Shows at Koger feature artists in The Nook, an intimate open-wall gallery adjacent to Koger’s Donors Gallery. All shows open on the Third Thursday of the respective month. In April, Jasper will feature a group show of artists painting works related to compositions from the Philharmonic’s “The Art of Symphony” event. 

January: Wilma King

February: Dogon Krigga

March: Josef Berliner

April: Group Philharmonic-Inspired Show

May: Malik Greene

June: Jordan Sheridan

July: Toni Elkins

August: Christopher Lane

September: Ellen Yaghjian

October: Heidi Darr-Hope

November: Janet Swigler

December: Ellie Rose


 The Meridian Building 

These street-facing windows in the Meridian Building feature group shows accessible to viewers 24/7. On both Washington Street and Sumter Street, patrons can view a pair of 2D and 3D artists in each block-long window. First Thursdays are a wonderful time to walk around and see these two-month long shows.


January—February: Gina Langston Brewer, Anna Herrera, Bohumila Augustinova, and Caroline Clark

March—April: Libby Gamble, Debi Kelly, Gretchen Evans Parker, & Curran Stone

May—June: Judy Sellers, Devon Corley, Tennyson Corley, & Lucy Bailey

July—August: Charles Hite, Steven White, Levi Wright, & Renee Rouillier

September—October: Richard Lund, Pat Gillam, Debbie Patwin, & Jennifer Hill

November—December: JJ Burton, Sean McGuinness, Chilly Waters, & Sharon Licata


Motor Supply Company Bistro 

These quarterly solo shows fill the walls of Motor Supply Bistro with opening receptions typically occurring the first or second Friday of the respective artist’s starting month. Official announcements will be made on Jasper’s online magazine and social media. 

January—March: Ija Charles

April—June: Laurel Steckel

July—September: Darren Young

October—December: Michel McNinch

Sound Bites Eatery 

These shows at Sound Bites Eatery have artist’s work prominently displayed across one of the restaurant’s main walls, celebrated monthly in conjunction with First Thursday. August, the restaurant’s birthday, is curated by the restaurant’s owners, and December features a unique holiday show whose theme will be announced later in 2024. 

January: Charles Hite

February: Michael Krajewski

March: Benji Hicks

April: Jean Capalbo

May: K. Wayne Thornley

June: Sean Madden

July: Elisabeth LaRose

August: Sound Bites Birthday Show

September: Kelly Bryant

October: Jean Lomasto

November: Jarid Lyfe Brown

December: Holiday Show


Tiny Gallery 

Finally, the gallery that started it all. Moved online during COVID-19 and kept there due to its success and the ability to show local art to patrons anytime, anyplace, Tiny Gallery features solo artists monthly with an ornament show to close the year. 2024’s ornament makers will be announced midyear. 

January: Fred Townsend

February: Jamie Peterson

March: Cait Patel

April: Candace Catoe

May: Pat Callahan

June: Pat Gillam

July: Virginia Russo

August: Alex Ruskell

September: Emily Moffitt

October: Olivia Pope

November: Kristin Holzer

December: Ornament Show


Jasper is incredibly grateful to the artists, patrons, and especially the business owners that continue to make promoting local art and supporting artists a possibility.

Happiest holidays to all, and we look forward to helping you fill your walls with local art in 2024!


Jennifer Bartell's Traveling Mercy Book Launch Drop- In December 20th

Join Columbia’s Poet Laureate, Jennifer Bartell, on Wednesday December 20th from 5 - 7 pm at the Ernest A. Finney Cultural Arts Center, 1510 Laurens Street, for an informal Book Launch Drop-In celebration of her new book Traveling Mercy.

After reading a single magnificent poem in Traveling Mercy, “the sapling in your chest floods with too much water and light.” Read a handful of poems, and find yourself on the poet’s ferry crossing the river “between thens and tomorrows.” Every magical, existential line is an iteration of Jennifer Bartell’s dextrous poetics. This accomplished debut elegizes human loss while celebrating the resilience that persists through witness and language. Traveling Mercy is a dazzling first book.

–Terrance Hayes


Bartell’s Traveling Mercy is such an intimate history of a Black girl raised by Black women, raised by church fans and magnolia memories, dream-hymns of Black people pushing through mud and disease and held together by traditions. This rich collection of poems, by a Black girl who knows how and why to style okra seeds in her hair, spills with fat oysters and a community’s petrified pounded grace. Bartell assures she will never give us one chance to hold our breath, as we jump into this never-ending deep end of blazing life, therefore, prepare to be drenched.

–Nikky Finney

Registration for Kinetic Derby Day is Now Open!

Registration is now open for West Columbia's Kinetic Derby Day, featuring iMAGINE STEAM Festival.

The annual event is scheduled to take place April 20, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the Kinetic Sculpture Parade will kick off the day. The event will also feature soapbox racing, obstacle course racing, and the iMAGINE STEAM Festival on State Street throughout the day.

As always, the event spurs creative thinking, competition, and family fun as teams come together to build unusual vehicles and awe-inspiring art installations.

To register to build, race, volunteer, or be a vendor, and join in the fun, visit

Poetry of the People: Jerred Metz

This week's Poet of the People is Jerred Metz. Jerred found and befriended me a decade or so ago and is my irregular lunch partner at Arabasque. We talk of poetry and prose, family and friends. He challenges me to become a better writer without losing my voice or becoming derivative of what I read; he is a gift to the poetry community of South Carolina.

Jerred Metz has had seven books of poetry, three non-fiction, and two novels published, and over one hundred poems and stories in literary journals. He taught creative writing at the University of Minnesota, Webster University, and Coker College. For fifteen years he was poetry editor for the Webster International Poetry Review. He has degrees from the University of Rhode Island (B.A., M.A., English) and the University of Minnesota (Ph.D., English and Philosophy.)

        Honey, My Muse

Her wild shadow wakes, rises, and

comes toward me. I love her,

frightening as she is, her eyes

the color of water,

her wings

battering the air.

When she flies the world unfurls

like a backdrop

behind and beneath her.


Benevolent bees

fill her hollow body

with hive and honey.


She tells me,

never minding the calendar,


“In 1929 I had to leave school to marry the banker who holds the mortgage on my poor mother’s homestead since we could no longer meet the payments. Believe me, life was no picnic, me only twelve and missing all my friends and my teachers and what if the townspeople learned that the banker had a twelve-year-old wife? I learned to cook, keep house, and please my husband in bed. Believe me, that was no easy task, me only twelve and him well into his fifties, his hair and moustache still shining black. There were no sex manuals then. Those few who had them considered themselves lucky to have books of etiquette. And this banker had been around and was particular about his sex. Oh, where could I turn? Who could I ask for help?”


           She brings me visions. 

In return, I show her

a new place to press

or kiss,

a new position,

a fresh phrase to




whose sacred body—

hive for queen and drone,

worker and larvae,

and honeycomb

rich with sweetness,


comes toward me

holding another poem. 


I created these “overheard” snatches and snippets of a private detective in Newark, New Jersey in the 1890s. Accounts of incidents in his career, each hinting at a “before” and an “after.” They are from Sad Tales and Sordid Stories: Interruptions. There are about 30 of them.


What was Not Her Astonishment 

Harland was a friend of Hattie's

of whom The night before Hattie had written to

 Charlotte of Harland, who was a friend—

"a very fine, spirited man

whom Charlotte would like,"


she thought and believed.


What was not Charlotte’s astonishment

when she found he was nothing

like the man Hattie described.


The Air was Unusually Mild 

Harland strolled out

with Charlotte before

going to the office.


The air was unusually mild

for this time of year,

such days being part of

the recent past

or far in the future.


Strange to say,

he was empty-handed.

The manuscript—

its worn wrapping

exposing some

of the contents

to public view,

which I expected

him to be carrying—

was nowhere to be seen.


I felt safe now;

I knew the lady’s name—

“Hattie the hat”—

an old schemer—

and proceeded to her boarding-place,

had her summoned,

introduced myself, mumbling

a name that sounded like that of a con

from Newark who she had heard of,

and began talking to her

about literary matters,

favoring the popular writers

over the serious ones.

Harland’s Henchmen in the Restaurant


Had they hunted her

or were they acquaintances of Harland's

who found her there by accident and

simply followed her down?


I wanted to speak with the proprietor,

but they might be customers

who always spent as much as tonight,

and clearly Charlotte was charmed by them.

I was a stranger here— 

why should the owner listen

to my meagre dribble of coin

against the music of

their smiling wallets?




“She is an Angel,” or,

"Her Eyelashes are Harpstrings Angels Thrum" 


In spite of all the assurances

I offered her Charlotte

would not single out

any of the men as her attacker.

She claimed not even to be sure

that any of them had been on

the trolley that morning.


But when I saw their shy glances

in Charlotte’s direction

I was certain she had made

An impression

upon their minds,

and now they wished

they were not thieves and murderers,

but pleasant young men

who might sit beside her and say,

"Your eyelashes are harpstrings

angels thrum.

Come with me to tented Elberon

and stroll the boardwalk,

sipping lemon ices,

sit in the breeze

at the edge of

the sea."


I call these epigramatics, by definition concise, clever, and amusing

             Homo Sapiens


Every day
     I learn something
          I wish
               I didn’t
                    Need to know.
Our Quietest Meals
Are when we
eat fish.
Not that fish
makes us
more serious,
just more

A Simile on Free Writing
Like looking
For something
In an empty attic.

—the Great Fuck-Up—
is Mother
and Father—
the Hermaphrodite—
of Invention.



Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone. 

                                                     John Steinbeck Harper's Bazaar, May, 1953 


In Ancient Days


Vesuvius’ razed Pompeii and Herculaneum

A rain of burning ash buried Positano.

Before then, on westward treks Greeks and Phoenicians

traded at Positano, so history says.

Named for the Sea God,

Poseidon in quiet and wrath—

the old cosmology still alive.

Or is this what happened?

Pirates stole  a thirteenth-century  

Black Madonna icon from Byzantium

When they reached the bay,

in anger at the theft, Poseidon

tore the waters in storm.

The thieves heard a shout, "Posa! Posa!”

“Put down! Put down!”

The storm-struck ship crashed,

a wreck on the shore.

Still alive, the pirates hauled

the Madonna up the steep cliff

to the village, delivered Her to

Santa Maria Assunta’s priest.

The storm stopped, the sea quieted, the sun smiled.

Good citizens of Positano ever after—the reformed pirates.

Posa. Posa. Positano




The Plate of Clay

Whole, then broken, buried,

unearthed, repaired with reverence.

The beauty of the broken,

The marvel of the restored,

marking its own perfection.

The border—geometry, repetition, variety,

the shapes of flowers—holds all the universe. 

The border beyond, before Chaos, its own beauty.



Praise Invention, Praise Conception

The artificer,

whose brush followed hand,

whose hand obeyed mind,

whose mind embodied the muse.

How much beauty can a wall contain

before bursting forth in song?


Seven Sisters

The single band of cloth twirling, and breeze

 lifts to its own dance, tying sister to sister.

What song do they chant?

“Who are we?

Seven sisters, Pleiades

dance, dive,

divide and gather.

How are we called?








Seven daughters of father Titan Atlas, who holds up the sky,

and mother Ocean, Pleione, Mother to Sailors,

whose Fate she governs.

Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares fathered children

upon us, made us a small dipper

of stars in Taurus.

See us twinkle and nod,

sharing our songs in code.”

“Who are we? Half-sisters to the

seven Pleiades and the Hesperides.

We, the seven Hyades,

sisterhood of nymphs,

the rain-makers,

who fall as rain,

our weeping, rain.

When a wild beast killed the hunter Hyas we wept,

became a star cluster in Taurus’ head,

a dipper to hold our tears.



Perched Positano


Thanks to its location, Positano’s climate is mild—

winters warm, the summers long and sunny,

refreshed by sea breezes, and

by the landscape’s beauty.

Long, steep stair link the village high above

with the valley beneath, the sea beyond.

A hard walk down, a hard climb up.

Below, the happy throng at Positano, blissful,

bless the sea suspended in ecstasy,

bless the patient town,

the happy villas above which become

beckoningly real after you have gone.


Visit Sound Bites Eatery on Sumter Street for Delicious Food, Welcoming Vibes, and this month, Art from the Jasper Project's Board of Directors Visual Artists!

One of the great joys of working with the Jasper Project is becoming warm friends with members of our hard-working board of directors as well as the owner/operators of the institutions that work with us and the venues that host us. A perfect example would be the good people at Sound Bites Eatery who welcomed Jasper as soon as their doors were opened and invited us to make use of their walls to hang art by local artists. This month we are combining our appreciation for both by featuring the art of Jasper Project Board Artists, Emily Moffitt, Laura Garner Hine, Keith Tolen, and Kimber Carpenter in the Jasper Gallery Space at Sound Bites Eatery.

Curated by a committee chaired by Christina Xan who serves as the Jasper Project’s gallery manager, Jasper hangs local art throughout the city at Motor Supply Bistro, Koger Center for the Arts, Harbison Theatre, the Meridian Sidewalk Gallery Space as well as Sound Bites Eatery. But we’re always looking for new permanent or temporary spaces to feature the work of Columbia-based artists.

While we enjoy celebrating new shows with receptions, one of the advantages of showing art in these public spaces is that the art is available for purchase any time day or night by accessing a QR code attached to every piece of art. So if you’re still looking for the perfect gift for someone you love, consider giving art by visiting one of the Jasper Gallery spaces easily accessible in the greater Columbia area!


Singer songwriter David Wilcox will be performing at the TOL Coffeehouse concert this Saturday, December 16th at 7:30pm. Wilcox, a Coffeehouse favorite, will present a program including some songs off his newest album “My Good Friends.” The TOL Coffeehouse is located at 6719 North Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC 29206. Tickets are $27 when ordered on line before the concert. Tickets at the door are $29.

Wilcox, who has appeared at the Coffeehouse many times over the past several years, always draws a large enthusiastic audience. In fact, the way Wilcox feels about every tune on My Good Friends proves this is indeed a fan-requested labor of love. “I am grateful for the community that sustains me – my good friends,” he says. “These are the kind of friends that get you through difficult times. The kind of friends that you go to for a fresh perspective when the future looks grim. These songs grew out of conversations with friends, and they hold ideas that I like to have around.”

Tickets are available through The TOL Coffeehouse website, Facebook page and by scanning the QR code on the poster and other printed materials. Doors open at 6:30pm for Groucho’s deli sandwiches, coffee, and home baked goods. Music begins at 7:30pm.

Due to heightened security please limit the size of purses and handbags. No backpacks are allowed. All bags will be subject to search. To keep everyone healthy we are using ionizing devices on each of our HVAC units. As air flows past the ionizing devices, positive and negative ions actively treat the supply air, reducing bacteria and viruses in the coil and living space This increases the efficacy of our MERV 8 filter. 

Out of respect for our hosts at Tree of Life, we ask that no pork or shellfish food items be brought inside the building.

SC Phil presents a Brilliantly Collaborative Holiday Event with Some of SC's Finest Vocalists, Dancers, and of course, the SC Philharmonic!


Collaborative creation from Music Director Morihiko Nakahara and Director Chad Henderson promises to be an extravaganza

Vocalist Kanika Moore

Kanika Moore

Katie Leitner

Catherine Hunsinger

Samuel McWhite

Columbia Repertory Dance Company


Morihiko Nakahara

& the SC Philharmonic

In a brilliantly collaborative act The South Carolina Philharmonic presents Home for the Holidays on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Koger Center for the Arts under the baton of Music Director Morihiko Nakahara. After years of sold out holiday concerts at Harbison Theatre, The SC Philharmonic is bringing their holiday-themed event to the Koger Center this year for one night only and making it truly grand. The show itself is a collaboration between SC Phil Maestro Morihiko Nakahara and award-winning theatre director Chad Henderson, the former Artistic Director of Trustus Theatre and current Marketing Director of the SC Phil. Tickets may be purchased by visiting or by calling the Koger Center Box Office at 803-251-2222.


More from our friends at the SC Philharmonic – 

Home for the Holidays is positioned to be one of the last large-scale holiday-themed events of the season, with the performance scheduled on December 21st. The orchestra anticipates that this concert will be appealing to families who have gathered for the holidays, and to those who are looking for new traditions. “We wanted to create a large-scale concert event due to our move to the Koger Center,” says theatre director Chad Henderson. “Audiences are going to get a traditional orchestral experience in the first act, and then in the second half we’re going to enjoy the alchemy of multi-disciplinary work with uplifting, moving and energetic performances from amazing singers and dancers alongside the SC Phil.” 

Singer Kanika Moore is known internationally as the lead singer of Doom Flamingo (Charleston, SC) and Tauk (Long Island, NY). This Charleston native’s original tone and seamless effort is almost impossible to ignore, and this is quite possibly the reason she was named the Charleston City Paper Soul/R&B Act of the Year in 2019. Joining Moore are Columbia singers Katie Leitner of Say Femme, Catherine Hunsinger of Rex Darling, and the magnetic musical theatre veteran Samuel McWhite. 

Wanting to dive deeper into multi-disciplinary work, the SC Phil invited The Columbia Repertory Dance Company to collaborate with the orchestra. In its fourth season, The Columbia Repertory Dance Company’s mission is to broaden the experience of professional dance artists and patrons in Columbia, SC through multidisciplinary collaborative performances year-round. Led by Artistic Director Stephanie Wilkins and Managing Director Bonnie Boiter-Jolley, the company is bringing emotional and athletic work to the Koger stage – a trademark of this company which performed at the DUMBO Dance Festival in NYC in Summer 2023.  

The concert will boast two arrangements by Columbia’s Dick Goodwin, famed jazz artist and composer. Goodwin’s arrangements of “All I Want for Christmas” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” will be featured in the second act, with the latter serving as the finale of the evening. Audiences can also expect to hear classic orchestral fare like Leroy Anderson’s “Sleigh Ride,” alongside popular songs like “White Christmas” and “Santa Claus is Back in Town,” and readings of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” and the famous editorial by Francis Church “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” All of these elements combined with production design from Chad Henderson and Koger Center Technical Director Steve Borders will make for a sensational evening of symphonic spectacle that will entertain the whole family. 

“In the end, we want audiences to have a fulfilling and rich experience,” says Henderson. “We want people to feel a range of emotions while they’re with us. We’re using the undeniable universality of music, dance and, at times, theatre to provide audiences with a joyful evening that will be uplifting, energizing and powerful. Hopefully this will become a signature event for the SC Phil where friends and families join us every year to ignite their celebrations.” 

The SC Philharmonic’s Home for the Holidays will take the Koger Center stage on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM at. Concert ticket prices range from $10 to $40 currently, and they can be purchased at or by calling the Koger Center Box Office (803) 251-2222.

Student Rush tickets are available for $10 starting thirty minutes before the concert, and group rates for 10 or more are available by writing